SubBFSMB v1.0 by Sub_Zero 2014 ------------------------------ Usage: subbfsmb [options] -h Print help -u Username -ip IP address of target SMB server -s Share name -c Charset to use numeric : Standard 0-9, Ascii 48-57 common : All Common chars, Ascii 32-126 alpha : Alphabetical case insensitive, Ascii 97-122 alpha_s : Alphabetical case sensitive, Ascii 65-90, 97-122 alnum : Alpha numeric case insensitive, Ascii 48-57, 97-122 alnum_s : Alpha numeric case sensitive, Ascii 48-57, 65-90, 97-122 -l Max. length of output words -f Output password to file -v Verbose, output bruteforce words -q Quiet mode, only verbose on error/password found