name: go-pot # We'll use a template for arch arch: ${ARCH} platform: linux version: v0.1.0 section: net priority: optional maintainer: Ryan O'Lee description: | go-pot 🍯 is a Go-based HTTP tarpit designed to frustrate and slow down malicious bots. It works by feeding bots an infinite stream of fake secrets at an excruciatingly slow rate, wasting their time and resources. This tool can help protect your web services from aggressive crawling, brute-force attacks, and other bot-based threats. vendor: Ryan O'Lee homepage: license: MIT # Target-specific overrides overrides: deb: depends: - libc6 rpm: depends: - glibc apk: depends: - libc6-compat archlinux: depends: - glibc replaces: - go-pot-git provides: - go-pot # Arch-specific dependencies overrides: archlinux:aarch64: depends: - glibc archlinux:armv7h: depends: - glibc-armhf contents: - src: ./build/go-pot-${ARCH} dst: /usr/bin/go-pot - src: ./configs/go-pot.yaml dst: /etc/go-pot/config.yaml - src: ./scripts/go-pot.service dst: /usr/lib/systemd/system/go-pot.service - src: ./LICENSE dst: /usr/share/licenses/go-pot/LICENSE - src: ./ dst: /usr/share/doc/go-pot/ scripts: postinstall: ./scripts/ preremove: ./scripts/ empty_folders: - /var/log/go-pot