sept. 06 09:08:21 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[1012]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:08:21 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[1012]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:08:27 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[1012]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:08:27 zellio-portable sddm[952]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:08:27 zellio-portable sddm[952]: Session "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" selected, command: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland" for VT 1 sept. 06 09:08:27 zellio-portable sddm-helper[1109]: Starting Wayland user session: "/etc/sddm/wayland-session" "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland" sept. 06 09:08:27 zellio-portable dbus-daemon[856]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.locale1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service' requested by ':1.33' (uid=1000 pid=1154 comm="/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland") sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable dbus-daemon[1135]: [session uid=1000 pid=1135] Activating service name='org.kde.KSplash' requested by ':1.10' (uid=1000 pid=1154 comm="/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland") sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable systemd[1112]: Starting plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager... sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable systemd[1112]: Started plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager. sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: No backend specified, automatically choosing drm sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL vendor string: AMD sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.9-amd64) sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-1 sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Driver: Unknown sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GPU class: Unknown sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version: 4.6 sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL version: 4.60 sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Mesa version: 23.3.5 sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Linux kernel version: 6.6.9 sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Requires strict binding: no sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL shaders: yes sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Texture NPOT support: yes sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Virtual Machine: no sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_core: Parse error in tiles configuration for monitor "77f707da-fb37-5165-9862-bbec4373ee61" : "illegal value" Creating default setup sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:125:90: numeric keysym "0x1002014" (16785428) sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:126:90: numeric keysym "0x1002013" (16785427) sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:127:90: numeric keysym "0x1002011" (16785425) sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:158:67: numeric keysym "0x1000140" (16777536) sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:158:90: numeric keysym "0x100013f" (16777535) sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:168:68: numeric keysym "0x100202f" (16785455) sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:171:91: numeric keysym "0x1002026" (16785446) sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:172:91: numeric keysym "0x10022c5" (16786117) sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:173:91: numeric keysym "0x1002215" (16785941) sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:174:91: numeric keysym "0x1002212" (16785938) sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1284]: The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports: sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1284]: > Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 708, clipping. sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1284]: > X11 cannot support keycodes above 255. sept. 06 09:08:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1284]: Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server sept. 06 09:08:29 zellio-portable systemd[1112]: Reached target sept. 06 09:08:29 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:08:29 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:08:29 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:08:29 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:08:29 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL vendor string: AMD sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.9-amd64) sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-1 sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Driver: Unknown sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GPU class: Unknown sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version: 4.6 sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL version: 4.60 sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Mesa version: 23.3.5 sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: X server version: 1.23.2 sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Linux kernel version: 6.6.9 sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Requires strict binding: no sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL shaders: yes sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Texture NPOT support: yes sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Virtual Machine: no sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: BlurConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: ZoomConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: WindowViewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlidingPopupsConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlideConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OverviewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: KscreenConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:08:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: DesktopGridConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:08:33 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1779]: Omitting both --window and --windowclass arguments is not recommended sept. 06 09:08:35 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: kf5idletime_wayland: This plugin does not support polling idle time sept. 06 09:14:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[2161]: kf.kirigami: Failed to find a Kirigami platform plugin sept. 06 09:14:10 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[2161]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:14:10 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[2161]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:22:10 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:22:10 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:22:10 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:22:10 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:22:16 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:22:16 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:22:22 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:22:22 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:22:44 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:22:44 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:22:59 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:22:59 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:23:29 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:23:29 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:23:50 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:23:50 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:24:40 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:24:40 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:25:56 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:25:56 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:27:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[60530]: kf.kirigami: Failed to find a Kirigami platform plugin sept. 06 09:27:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[60530]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:27:29 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[60530]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:32:56 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:32:58 zellio-portable plasmashell[61247]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:34:03 zellio-portable plasmashell[61314]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL vendor string: AMD sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.9-amd64) sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-1 sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Driver: Unknown sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GPU class: Unknown sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version: 4.6 sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL version: 4.60 sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Mesa version: 23.3.5 sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: X server version: 1.23.2 sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Linux kernel version: 6.6.9 sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Requires strict binding: no sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL shaders: yes sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Texture NPOT support: yes sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Virtual Machine: no sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: BlurConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: ZoomConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: WindowViewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlidingPopupsConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlideConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OverviewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: KscreenConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:34:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: DesktopGridConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 09:34:49 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: kf5idletime_wayland: This plugin does not support polling idle time sept. 06 09:34:51 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: kf5idletime_wayland: This plugin does not support polling idle time sept. 06 09:35:01 zellio-portable kactivitymanagerd[1368]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:35:01 zellio-portable kactivitymanagerd[1368]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:35:01 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:35:01 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:35:04 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[61807]: Omitting both --window and --windowclass arguments is not recommended sept. 06 09:35:04 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[61823]: org.kde.dolphin: Unknown class "" in session saved data! sept. 06 09:35:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[61823]: inotify_add_watch(/var/lib/samba/usershares) failed: (Permission denied) sept. 06 09:35:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[61823]: kf.kio.workers.file: copy() QUrl("file:///media/zellio/Ventoy/Webb-Pillars-of-Creation-scaled.webp") to QUrl("file:///home/zellio/Pictures/Webb-Pillars-of-Creation-scaled.webp") mode= 493 sept. 06 09:35:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[61823]: kf.kio.workers.file: the file doesn't have any xattr sept. 06 09:35:14 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:35:14 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:35:19 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:35:39 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: kf5idletime_wayland: This plugin does not support polling idle time sept. 06 09:35:45 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: org.kde.kf5.kwindowsystem.kwayland: Failed to recreate shadow for PlasmaQuick::Dialog(0x561d8ba8a370, name="popupWindow") sept. 06 09:35:45 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: kf5idletime_wayland: This plugin does not support polling idle time sept. 06 09:35:46 zellio-portable krunner[61983]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:41:20 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[62669]: Omitting both --window and --windowclass arguments is not recommended sept. 06 09:41:52 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:41:52 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:41:53 zellio-portable krunner[61983]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:41:53 zellio-portable krunner[61983]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:41:53 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 09:41:53 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 09:41:55 zellio-portable krunner[61983]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:43:16 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_core: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 6137, resource id: 20971558, major code: 129 (SHAPE), minor code: 6 (Input) sept. 06 09:44:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_libinput: Libinput: event12 - SYNA32E4:00 06CB:CEE7 Touchpad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded. sept. 06 09:44:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: See for details sept. 06 09:44:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_libinput: Libinput: event12 - SYNA32E4:00 06CB:CEE7 Touchpad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded. sept. 06 09:44:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: See for details sept. 06 09:46:03 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_core: could not find the toplevel to activate KWaylandServer::SurfaceInterface(0x55c240c58be0) sept. 06 09:46:03 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:46:03 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_core: could not find the toplevel to activate KWaylandServer::SurfaceInterface(0x55c240c58be0) sept. 06 09:46:05 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:46:13 zellio-portable plasmashell[63712]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:46:44 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_core: could not find the toplevel to activate KWaylandServer::SurfaceInterface(0x55c2401907e0) sept. 06 09:46:44 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_core: could not find the toplevel to activate KWaylandServer::SurfaceInterface(0x55c2401907e0) sept. 06 09:46:44 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:46:49 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:47:15 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_core: could not find the toplevel to activate KWaylandServer::SurfaceInterface(0x55c240c43da0) sept. 06 09:47:15 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:47:15 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_core: could not find the toplevel to activate KWaylandServer::SurfaceInterface(0x55c240c43da0) sept. 06 09:47:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_core: Could not find window with uuid "{fcca6483-11a8-4b96-b800-52f363bf748d}" sept. 06 09:47:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_core: Could not find window with uuid "{fcca6483-11a8-4b96-b800-52f363bf748d}" sept. 06 09:47:30 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_core: Could not find window with uuid "{fcca6483-11a8-4b96-b800-52f363bf748d}" sept. 06 09:48:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[64302]: Omitting both --window and --windowclass arguments is not recommended sept. 06 09:50:54 zellio-portable krunner[61983]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:51:10 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_libinput: Libinput: event12 - SYNA32E4:00 06CB:CEE7 Touchpad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded. sept. 06 09:51:10 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: See for details sept. 06 09:51:17 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_libinput: Libinput: event12 - SYNA32E4:00 06CB:CEE7 Touchpad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded. sept. 06 09:51:17 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: See for details sept. 06 09:51:17 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_libinput: Libinput: event12 - SYNA32E4:00 06CB:CEE7 Touchpad: kernel bug: Touch jump detected and discarded. sept. 06 09:51:17 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: See for details sept. 06 09:51:17 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_libinput: Libinput: event12 - SYNA32E4:00 06CB:CEE7 Touchpad: WARNING: log rate limit exceeded (5 msgs per 24h). Discarding future messages. sept. 06 09:51:23 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: qml: PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea is deprecated. Use PlasmaComponents3.ScrollView instead. sept. 06 09:51:23 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 09:52:03 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 09:52:04 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 09:52:11 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 09:52:16 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 09:52:18 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 09:52:20 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[64999]: Omitting both --window and --windowclass arguments is not recommended sept. 06 09:52:52 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 09:52:53 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 09:53:47 zellio-portable krunner[61983]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 09:54:10 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: org.kde.kf5.kwindowsystem.kwayland: Failed to recreate shadow for ToolTipDialog(0x561d8b3c0fa0) sept. 06 09:55:24 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 09:55:26 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 09:55:29 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[65728]: Omitting both --window and --windowclass arguments is not recommended sept. 06 10:01:32 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[65913]: kf.kirigami: Failed to find a Kirigami platform plugin sept. 06 10:01:32 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[65913]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 10:01:32 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[65913]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 10:01:36 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 10:01:38 zellio-portable plasmashell[65969]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL vendor string: AMD sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.9-amd64) sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-1 sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Driver: Unknown sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GPU class: Unknown sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version: 4.6 sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL version: 4.60 sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Mesa version: 23.3.5 sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: X server version: 1.23.2 sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Linux kernel version: 6.6.9 sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Requires strict binding: no sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL shaders: yes sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Texture NPOT support: yes sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Virtual Machine: no sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: BlurConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: ZoomConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: WindowViewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlidingPopupsConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlideConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OverviewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: KscreenConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:28 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: DesktopGridConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL vendor string: AMD sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.9-amd64) sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-1 sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Driver: Unknown sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GPU class: Unknown sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version: 4.6 sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL version: 4.60 sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Mesa version: 23.3.5 sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: X server version: 1.23.2 sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Linux kernel version: 6.6.9 sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Requires strict binding: no sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL shaders: yes sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Texture NPOT support: yes sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Virtual Machine: no sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: BlurConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: ZoomConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: WindowViewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlidingPopupsConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlideConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OverviewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: KscreenConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: DesktopGridConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL vendor string: AMD sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.9-amd64) sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-1 sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Driver: Unknown sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GPU class: Unknown sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version: 4.6 sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL version: 4.60 sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Mesa version: 23.3.5 sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: X server version: 1.23.2 sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Linux kernel version: 6.6.9 sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Requires strict binding: no sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL shaders: yes sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Texture NPOT support: yes sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Virtual Machine: no sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: BlurConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: ZoomConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: WindowViewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlidingPopupsConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlideConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OverviewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: KscreenConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:39 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: DesktopGridConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:41 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL vendor string: AMD sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.9-amd64) sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-1 sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Driver: Unknown sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GPU class: Unknown sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version: 4.6 sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL version: 4.60 sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Mesa version: 23.3.5 sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: X server version: 1.23.2 sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Linux kernel version: 6.6.9 sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Requires strict binding: no sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL shaders: yes sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Texture NPOT support: yes sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Virtual Machine: no sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: BlurConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: ZoomConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: WindowViewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlidingPopupsConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlideConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OverviewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: KscreenConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: DesktopGridConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL vendor string: AMD sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon Graphics (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.54, 6.6.9-amd64) sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.3.5-1 sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Driver: Unknown sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GPU class: Unknown sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OpenGL version: 4.6 sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL version: 4.60 sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Mesa version: 23.3.5 sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: X server version: 1.23.2 sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Linux kernel version: 6.6.9 sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Requires strict binding: no sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: GLSL shaders: yes sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Texture NPOT support: yes sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: Virtual Machine: no sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: BlurConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: ZoomConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: WindowViewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlidingPopupsConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: SlideConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: OverviewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: KscreenConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:02:59 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: DesktopGridConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring sept. 06 10:04:12 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 10:04:12 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support grabbing the keyboard sept. 06 10:04:50 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[65015]: qt.qpa.wayland: setGrabPopup called with a parent, QtWaylandClient::QWaylandXdgSurface(0x564ae3a881b0) which does not match the current topmost grabbing popup, QtWaylandClient::QWaylandXdgSurface(0x564ae3b23870) According to the xdg-shell protocol, this is not allowed. The wayland QPA plugin is currently handling it by setting the parent to the topmost grabbing popup. Note, however, that this may cause positioning errors and popups closing unxpectedly because xdg-shell mandate that child popups close before parents sept. 06 10:05:00 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[65015]: qt.qpa.wayland: setGrabPopup called with a parent, QtWaylandClient::QWaylandXdgSurface(0x564ae3a881b0) which does not match the current topmost grabbing popup, QtWaylandClient::QWaylandXdgSurface(0x564ae3bc1700) According to the xdg-shell protocol, this is not allowed. The wayland QPA plugin is currently handling it by setting the parent to the topmost grabbing popup. Note, however, that this may cause positioning errors and popups closing unxpectedly because xdg-shell mandate that child popups close before parents sept. 06 10:05:01 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[65015]: qt.qpa.wayland: setGrabPopup called with a parent, QtWaylandClient::QWaylandXdgSurface(0x564ae3a881b0) which does not match the current topmost grabbing popup, QtWaylandClient::QWaylandXdgSurface(0x564ae3bc1700) According to the xdg-shell protocol, this is not allowed. The wayland QPA plugin is currently handling it by setting the parent to the topmost grabbing popup. Note, however, that this may cause positioning errors and popups closing unxpectedly because xdg-shell mandate that child popups close before parents sept. 06 10:07:48 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[66193]: Omitting both --window and --windowclass arguments is not recommended sept. 06 10:08:04 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: This plugin does not support raise() sept. 06 10:09:08 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[66268]: Omitting both --window and --windowclass arguments is not recommended sept. 06 10:17:32 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[66438]: kf.kirigami: Failed to find a Kirigami platform plugin sept. 06 10:17:32 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[66438]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 10:17:32 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[66438]: qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate() sept. 06 10:17:32 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[66438]: file:///usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel/org.kde.breeze.desktop/contents/lockscreen/MediaControls.qml:82:9: QML Image: Binding loop detected for property "sourceSize.height" sept. 06 10:17:42 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 10:17:42 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:17:45 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 10:17:45 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:17:51 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 10:17:51 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:17:51 zellio-portable krunner[61983]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 10:17:51 zellio-portable krunner[61983]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:17:51 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 10:17:51 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:17:57 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 10:17:57 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:18:01 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 10:18:01 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:18:04 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 10:18:04 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:18:10 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 10:18:10 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:18:27 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 10:18:27 zellio-portable kded5[1303]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:18:27 zellio-portable krunner[61983]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 10:18:27 zellio-portable krunner[61983]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:18:28 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line sept. 06 10:18:28 zellio-portable plasmashell[1367]: kf.service.sycoca: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/org.freedesktop.Xwayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:42:42 zellio-portable sddm[952]: Auth: sddm-helper (--socket /tmp/sddm-auth-4e36da14-5e20-48d9-906a-200566ae4acc --id 1 --start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland --user zellio) crashed (exit code 1) sept. 06 10:42:43 zellio-portable systemd[1112]: Stopped target sept. 06 10:42:43 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_wayland_drm: Atomic commit failed! Permission denied sept. 06 10:42:43 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: kwin_wayland_drm: Presentation failed! Permission denied sept. 06 10:42:43 zellio-portable systemd[1112]: Stopping plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager... sept. 06 10:42:43 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1201]: QtDBus: cannot relay signals from parent QObject(0x55c23f826b80 "") unless they are emitted in the object's thread QThread(0x55c23f5ccf08 "libinput-connection"). Current thread is QThread(0x55c23f595e00 ""). sept. 06 10:42:43 zellio-portable systemd[1112]: Stopped plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager. sept. 06 10:43:02 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[964]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:43:02 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[964]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:43:08 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[964]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:43:08 zellio-portable sddm[910]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 10:43:08 zellio-portable sddm[910]: Session "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" selected, command: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland" for VT 1 sept. 06 10:43:08 zellio-portable sddm-helper[1063]: Starting Wayland user session: "/etc/sddm/wayland-session" "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland" sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable dbus-daemon[812]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.locale1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service' requested by ':1.38' (uid=1000 pid=1107 comm="/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland") sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable dbus-daemon[1090]: [session uid=1000 pid=1090] Activating service name='org.kde.KSplash' requested by ':1.9' (uid=1000 pid=1107 comm="/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland") sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable systemd[1066]: Starting plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager... sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable systemd[1066]: Started plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager. sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: No backend specified, automatically choosing drm sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: wl_global_create: implemented version for 'wl_shm' higher than interface version (2 > 1) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: OpenGL vendor string: AMD sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon 780M (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.57, 6.8.11-amd64) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.1.3-2 sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: Driver: Unknown sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: GPU class: Unknown sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: OpenGL version: 4.6 sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: GLSL version: 4.60 sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: Mesa version: 24.1.3 sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: Linux kernel version: 6.8.11 sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: Requires strict binding: no sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: GLSL shaders: yes sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: Texture NPOT support: yes sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: Virtual Machine: no sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:127:90: numeric keysym "0x1002014" (16785428) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:128:90: numeric keysym "0x1002013" (16785427) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:129:90: numeric keysym "0x1002011" (16785425) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:160:67: numeric keysym "0x1000140" (16777536) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:160:90: numeric keysym "0x100013f" (16777535) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:170:68: numeric keysym "0x100202f" (16785455) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:173:91: numeric keysym "0x1002026" (16785446) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:174:91: numeric keysym "0x10022c5" (16786117) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:175:91: numeric keysym "0x1002215" (16785941) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1151]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:176:91: numeric keysym "0x1002212" (16785938) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) Backtrace: sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 0: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55aa84da9000+0x191bf2) [0x55aa84f3abf2] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 1: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55aa84da9000+0x19590d) [0x55aa84f3e90d] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 2: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f7c0265b000+0x3d580) [0x7f7c02698580] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 3: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (wl_proxy_get_version+0x4) [0x7f7c02cee244] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 4: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55aa84da9000+0x4797e) [0x55aa84df097e] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 5: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55aa84da9000+0x41846) [0x55aa84dea846] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 6: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55aa84da9000+0x11d725) [0x55aa84ec6725] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 7: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55aa84da9000+0xc6ec4) [0x55aa84e6fec4] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 8: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55aa84da9000+0xb3efa) [0x55aa84e5cefa] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 9: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55aa84da9000+0xb5006) [0x55aa84e5e006] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 10: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55aa84da9000+0xc0771) [0x55aa84e69771] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 11: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f7c0265b000+0x27c8a) [0x7f7c02682c8a] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 12: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (__libc_start_main+0x85) [0x7f7c02682d45] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) 13: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55aa84da9000+0x3ac71) [0x55aa84de3c71] sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) Segmentation fault at address 0x40 sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: Fatal server error: sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1185]: (EE) sept. 06 10:43:09 zellio-portable systemd-coredump[1224]: Process 1185 (Xwayland) of user 1000 terminated abnormally with signal 6/ABRT, processing... sept. 06 10:43:10 zellio-portable systemd-coredump[1225]: Process 1185 (Xwayland) of user 1000 dumped core. #3 0x000055aa84f41880 n/a (Xwayland + 0x198880) #4 0x000055aa84f46079 n/a (Xwayland + 0x19d079) #5 0x000055aa84f47179 n/a (Xwayland + 0x19e179) #6 0x000055aa84f3e969 n/a (Xwayland + 0x195969) #8 0x00007f7c02cee244 wl_proxy_get_version ( + 0x8244) #9 0x000055aa84df097e n/a (Xwayland + 0x4797e) #10 0x000055aa84dea846 n/a (Xwayland + 0x41846) #11 0x000055aa84ec6725 n/a (Xwayland + 0x11d725) #12 0x000055aa84e6fec4 n/a (Xwayland + 0xc6ec4) #13 0x000055aa84e5cefa n/a (Xwayland + 0xb3efa) #14 0x000055aa84e5e006 n/a (Xwayland + 0xb5006) #15 0x000055aa84e69771 n/a (Xwayland + 0xc0771) #18 0x000055aa84de3c71 n/a (Xwayland + 0x3ac71) sept. 06 10:43:40 zellio-portable sddm[910]: Auth: sddm-helper (--socket /tmp/sddm-auth-8ec9505a-195a-4dba-9827-0d5b29418282 --id 1 --start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland --user zellio) crashed (exit code 1) sept. 06 20:00:08 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[1038]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 20:00:08 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[1038]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 20:03:55 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[955]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 20:03:55 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[955]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 20:04:04 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[955]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 20:04:04 zellio-portable sddm[903]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 20:04:04 zellio-portable sddm[903]: Session "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" selected, command: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland" for VT 1 sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable sddm-helper[1037]: Starting Wayland user session: "/etc/sddm/wayland-session" "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland" sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable dbus-daemon[804]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.locale1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service' requested by ':1.38' (uid=1000 pid=1083 comm="/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland") sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable dbus-daemon[1064]: [session uid=1000 pid=1064] Activating service name='org.kde.KSplash' requested by ':1.9' (uid=1000 pid=1083 comm="/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland") sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable systemd[1040]: Starting plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager... sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable systemd[1040]: Started plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager. sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: No backend specified, automatically choosing drm sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: wl_global_create: implemented version for 'wl_shm' higher than interface version (2 > 1) sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: OpenGL vendor string: AMD sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon 780M (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.57, 6.8.11-amd64) sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.1.3-2 sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: Driver: Unknown sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: GPU class: Unknown sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: OpenGL version: 4.6 sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: GLSL version: 4.60 sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: Mesa version: 24.1.3 sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: Linux kernel version: 6.8.11 sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: Requires strict binding: no sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: GLSL shaders: yes sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: Texture NPOT support: yes sept. 06 20:04:05 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: Virtual Machine: no sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:127:90: numeric keysym "0x1002014" (16785428) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:128:90: numeric keysym "0x1002013" (16785427) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:129:90: numeric keysym "0x1002011" (16785425) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:160:67: numeric keysym "0x1000140" (16777536) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:160:90: numeric keysym "0x100013f" (16777535) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:170:68: numeric keysym "0x100202f" (16785455) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:173:91: numeric keysym "0x1002026" (16785446) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:174:91: numeric keysym "0x10022c5" (16786117) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:175:91: numeric keysym "0x1002215" (16785941) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1124]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:176:91: numeric keysym "0x1002212" (16785938) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) Backtrace: sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 0: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55e1b35f8000+0x191bf2) [0x55e1b3789bf2] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 1: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55e1b35f8000+0x19590d) [0x55e1b378d90d] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 2: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f2e5d23d000+0x3d580) [0x7f2e5d27a580] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 3: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (wl_proxy_get_version+0x4) [0x7f2e5d8d0244] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 4: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55e1b35f8000+0x4797e) [0x55e1b363f97e] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 5: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55e1b35f8000+0x41846) [0x55e1b3639846] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 6: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55e1b35f8000+0x11d725) [0x55e1b3715725] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 7: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55e1b35f8000+0xc6ec4) [0x55e1b36beec4] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 8: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55e1b35f8000+0xb3efa) [0x55e1b36abefa] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 9: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55e1b35f8000+0xb5006) [0x55e1b36ad006] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 10: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55e1b35f8000+0xc0771) [0x55e1b36b8771] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 11: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f2e5d23d000+0x27c8a) [0x7f2e5d264c8a] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 12: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (__libc_start_main+0x85) [0x7f2e5d264d45] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) 13: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55e1b35f8000+0x3ac71) [0x55e1b3632c71] sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) Segmentation fault at address 0x40 sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: Fatal server error: sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1157]: (EE) sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable systemd-coredump[1189]: Process 1157 (Xwayland) of user 1000 terminated abnormally with signal 6/ABRT, processing... sept. 06 20:04:06 zellio-portable systemd-coredump[1190]: Process 1157 (Xwayland) of user 1000 dumped core. #3 0x000055e1b3790880 n/a (Xwayland + 0x198880) #4 0x000055e1b3795079 n/a (Xwayland + 0x19d079) #5 0x000055e1b3796179 n/a (Xwayland + 0x19e179) #6 0x000055e1b378d969 n/a (Xwayland + 0x195969) #8 0x00007f2e5d8d0244 wl_proxy_get_version ( + 0x8244) #9 0x000055e1b363f97e n/a (Xwayland + 0x4797e) #10 0x000055e1b3639846 n/a (Xwayland + 0x41846) #11 0x000055e1b3715725 n/a (Xwayland + 0x11d725) #12 0x000055e1b36beec4 n/a (Xwayland + 0xc6ec4) #13 0x000055e1b36abefa n/a (Xwayland + 0xb3efa) #14 0x000055e1b36ad006 n/a (Xwayland + 0xb5006) #15 0x000055e1b36b8771 n/a (Xwayland + 0xc0771) #18 0x000055e1b3632c71 n/a (Xwayland + 0x3ac71) sept. 06 20:04:10 zellio-portable sddm[903]: Auth: sddm-helper (--socket /tmp/sddm-auth-7956ab9d-78d9-4a51-97bf-f18e2075995c --id 1 --start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland --user zellio) crashed (exit code 1) sept. 06 20:04:11 zellio-portable systemd[1040]: Stopping plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager... sept. 06 20:04:46 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[988]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 20:04:46 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[988]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 22:54:53 zellio-portable plasmashell[6418]: Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, xcb. sept. 06 22:55:13 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[994]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 22:55:13 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[994]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 23:54:10 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[1025]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 06 23:54:10 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[1025]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 08 15:42:12 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[7642]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 08 15:42:12 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[7642]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 08 15:42:34 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[7642]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 08 15:42:34 zellio-portable sddm[967]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 08 15:42:34 zellio-portable sddm[967]: Session "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" selected, command: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland" for VT 1 sept. 08 15:42:34 zellio-portable sddm-helper[7729]: Starting Wayland user session: "/etc/sddm/wayland-session" "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland" sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable dbus-daemon[811]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.locale1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service' requested by ':1.198' (uid=1000 pid=7771 comm="/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland") sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable dbus-daemon[7758]: [session uid=1000 pid=7758] Activating service name='org.kde.KSplash' requested by ':1.9' (uid=1000 pid=7771 comm="/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland") sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable systemd[7732]: Starting plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager... sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable systemd[7732]: Started plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager. sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: No backend specified, automatically choosing drm sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: wl_global_create: implemented version for 'wl_shm' higher than interface version (2 > 1) sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: OpenGL vendor string: AMD sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon 780M (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.57, 6.8.11-amd64) sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.1.3-2 sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: Driver: Unknown sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: GPU class: Unknown sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: OpenGL version: 4.6 sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: GLSL version: 4.60 sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: Mesa version: 24.1.3 sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: Linux kernel version: 6.8.11 sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: Requires strict binding: no sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: GLSL shaders: yes sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: Texture NPOT support: yes sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: Virtual Machine: no sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:127:90: numeric keysym "0x1002014" (16785428) sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:128:90: numeric keysym "0x1002013" (16785427) sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:129:90: numeric keysym "0x1002011" (16785425) sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:160:67: numeric keysym "0x1000140" (16777536) sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:160:90: numeric keysym "0x100013f" (16777535) sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:170:68: numeric keysym "0x100202f" (16785455) sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:173:91: numeric keysym "0x1002026" (16785446) sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:174:91: numeric keysym "0x10022c5" (16786117) sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:175:91: numeric keysym "0x1002215" (16785941) sept. 08 15:42:36 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7819]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:176:91: numeric keysym "0x1002212" (16785938) sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) Backtrace: sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 0: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x5603f939b000+0x191bf2) [0x5603f952cbf2] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 1: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x5603f939b000+0x19590d) [0x5603f953090d] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 2: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0a42d5d000+0x3d580) [0x7f0a42d9a580] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 3: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (wl_proxy_get_version+0x4) [0x7f0a433f0244] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 4: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x5603f939b000+0x4797e) [0x5603f93e297e] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 5: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x5603f939b000+0x41846) [0x5603f93dc846] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 6: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x5603f939b000+0x11d725) [0x5603f94b8725] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 7: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x5603f939b000+0xc6ec4) [0x5603f9461ec4] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 8: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x5603f939b000+0xb3efa) [0x5603f944eefa] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 9: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x5603f939b000+0xb5006) [0x5603f9450006] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 10: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x5603f939b000+0xc0771) [0x5603f945b771] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 11: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7f0a42d5d000+0x27c8a) [0x7f0a42d84c8a] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 12: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (__libc_start_main+0x85) [0x7f0a42d84d45] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) 13: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x5603f939b000+0x3ac71) [0x5603f93d5c71] sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) Segmentation fault at address 0x40 sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: Fatal server error: sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[7852]: (EE) sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable systemd-coredump[7884]: Process 7852 (Xwayland) of user 1000 terminated abnormally with signal 6/ABRT, processing... sept. 08 15:42:37 zellio-portable systemd-coredump[7885]: Process 7852 (Xwayland) of user 1000 dumped core. #3 0x00005603f9533880 n/a (Xwayland + 0x198880) #4 0x00005603f9538079 n/a (Xwayland + 0x19d079) #5 0x00005603f9539179 n/a (Xwayland + 0x19e179) #6 0x00005603f9530969 n/a (Xwayland + 0x195969) #8 0x00007f0a433f0244 wl_proxy_get_version ( + 0x8244) #9 0x00005603f93e297e n/a (Xwayland + 0x4797e) #10 0x00005603f93dc846 n/a (Xwayland + 0x41846) #11 0x00005603f94b8725 n/a (Xwayland + 0x11d725) #12 0x00005603f9461ec4 n/a (Xwayland + 0xc6ec4) #13 0x00005603f944eefa n/a (Xwayland + 0xb3efa) #14 0x00005603f9450006 n/a (Xwayland + 0xb5006) #15 0x00005603f945b771 n/a (Xwayland + 0xc0771) #18 0x00005603f93d5c71 n/a (Xwayland + 0x3ac71) sept. 08 15:43:38 zellio-portable sddm[967]: Auth: sddm-helper (--socket /tmp/sddm-auth-35c2a1da-20a0-41f7-9787-89ce4f2695d7 --id 3 --start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland --user zellio) crashed (exit code 1) sept. 08 15:44:20 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[999]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 08 15:44:20 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[999]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 08 15:44:26 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[999]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 08 15:44:26 zellio-portable sddm[940]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 08 15:44:26 zellio-portable sddm[940]: Session "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" selected, command: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland" for VT 1 sept. 08 15:44:26 zellio-portable sddm-helper[1083]: Starting Wayland user session: "/etc/sddm/wayland-session" "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland" sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable dbus-daemon[784]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.locale1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service' requested by ':1.37' (uid=1000 pid=1127 comm="/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland") sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable dbus-daemon[1110]: [session uid=1000 pid=1110] Activating service name='org.kde.KSplash' requested by ':1.9' (uid=1000 pid=1127 comm="/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland") sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable systemd[1086]: Starting plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager... sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable systemd[1086]: Started plasma-kwin_wayland.service - KDE Window Manager. sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: No backend specified, automatically choosing drm sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: wl_global_create: implemented version for 'wl_shm' higher than interface version (2 > 1) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: OpenGL vendor string: AMD sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon 780M (radeonsi, gfx1103_r1, LLVM 17.0.6, DRM 3.57, 6.8.11-amd64) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.1.3-2 sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: Driver: Unknown sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: GPU class: Unknown sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: OpenGL version: 4.6 sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: GLSL version: 4.60 sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: Mesa version: 24.1.3 sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: Linux kernel version: 6.8.11 sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: Requires strict binding: no sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: GLSL shaders: yes sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: Texture NPOT support: yes sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: Virtual Machine: no sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:127:90: numeric keysym "0x1002014" (16785428) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:128:90: numeric keysym "0x1002013" (16785427) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:129:90: numeric keysym "0x1002011" (16785425) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:160:67: numeric keysym "0x1000140" (16777536) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:160:90: numeric keysym "0x100013f" (16777535) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:170:68: numeric keysym "0x100202f" (16785455) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:173:91: numeric keysym "0x1002026" (16785446) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:174:91: numeric keysym "0x10022c5" (16786117) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:175:91: numeric keysym "0x1002215" (16785941) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1170]: kwin_xkbcommon: XKB: [XKB-489] fr:176:91: numeric keysym "0x1002212" (16785938) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) Backtrace: sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 0: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55b9aee82000+0x191bf2) [0x55b9af013bf2] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 1: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55b9aee82000+0x19590d) [0x55b9af01790d] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 2: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7fd29b5a5000+0x3d580) [0x7fd29b5e2580] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 3: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (wl_proxy_get_version+0x4) [0x7fd29bc38244] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 4: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55b9aee82000+0x4797e) [0x55b9aeec997e] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 5: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55b9aee82000+0x41846) [0x55b9aeec3846] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 6: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55b9aee82000+0x11d725) [0x55b9aef9f725] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 7: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55b9aee82000+0xc6ec4) [0x55b9aef48ec4] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 8: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55b9aee82000+0xb3efa) [0x55b9aef35efa] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 9: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55b9aee82000+0xb5006) [0x55b9aef37006] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 10: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55b9aee82000+0xc0771) [0x55b9aef42771] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 11: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x7fd29b5a5000+0x27c8a) [0x7fd29b5ccc8a] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 12: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (__libc_start_main+0x85) [0x7fd29b5ccd45] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) 13: /usr/bin/Xwayland (0x55b9aee82000+0x3ac71) [0x55b9aeebcc71] sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) Segmentation fault at address 0x40 sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: Fatal server error: sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable kwin_wayland_wrapper[1204]: (EE) sept. 08 15:44:27 zellio-portable systemd-coredump[1238]: Process 1204 (Xwayland) of user 1000 terminated abnormally with signal 6/ABRT, processing... sept. 08 15:44:28 zellio-portable systemd-coredump[1239]: Process 1204 (Xwayland) of user 1000 dumped core. #3 0x000055b9af01a880 n/a (Xwayland + 0x198880) #4 0x000055b9af01f079 n/a (Xwayland + 0x19d079) #5 0x000055b9af020179 n/a (Xwayland + 0x19e179) #6 0x000055b9af017969 n/a (Xwayland + 0x195969) #8 0x00007fd29bc38244 wl_proxy_get_version ( + 0x8244) #9 0x000055b9aeec997e n/a (Xwayland + 0x4797e) #10 0x000055b9aeec3846 n/a (Xwayland + 0x41846) #11 0x000055b9aef9f725 n/a (Xwayland + 0x11d725) #12 0x000055b9aef48ec4 n/a (Xwayland + 0xc6ec4) #13 0x000055b9aef35efa n/a (Xwayland + 0xb3efa) #14 0x000055b9aef37006 n/a (Xwayland + 0xb5006) #15 0x000055b9aef42771 n/a (Xwayland + 0xc0771) #18 0x000055b9aeebcc71 n/a (Xwayland + 0x3ac71) sept. 08 15:44:36 zellio-portable sddm[940]: Auth: sddm-helper (--socket /tmp/sddm-auth-056eb0d3-e2b4-4895-8161-e02022480786 --id 1 --start /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland --user zellio) crashed (exit code 1) sept. 08 15:45:05 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[996]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop" sept. 08 15:45:05 zellio-portable sddm-greeter[996]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop"