Released 2024-02-28

More information can be found here:

  • 0008677: [Tool Upgrade Request] python3-masky Upgrade Request (sbrun)
  • 0008673: [Tool Upgrade Request] asyauth Upgrade Request (sbrun)
  • 0008672: [Tool Upgrade Request] asysocks Upgrade Request (sbrun)
  • 0008678: [Tool Upgrade Request] python3-minikerberos Upgrade Request (sbrun)
  • 0008762: [Kali Package Bug] Juice-shop error after fresh install (sbrun)
  • 0008750: [New Tool Requests] sqlmc - About Check all urls of a domain for SQL injections (daniruiz)
  • 0008752: [New Tool Requests] NetScanner - A New CLI based Network Scanner (daniruiz)
  • 0008533: [Queued Tool Addition] NetExec - The network execution tool for pentesting (daniruiz)
  • 0008761: [Tool Upgrade Request] Greenbone - Openvas - GVM - Report outdated / end-of-life Scan Engine / Environment (local) (steev)
  • 0008725: [Queued Tool Addition] SploitScan - provide detailed information on vulnerabilities and associated proof-of-concept (PoC) exploits. (daniruiz)
  • 0008545: [Queued Tool Addition] Coercer - automatically coerce a Windows server to authenticate on an arbitrary machine (daniruiz)
  • 0008547: [Queued Tool Addition] mitm6 - pwning IPv4 via IPv6 (daniruiz)
  • 0008753: [Tool Upgrade Request] Upgrade ZAP to 2.15.0 (daniruiz)
  • 0007811: [Queued Tool Addition] gowitness - a golang, web screenshot utility using Chrome Headless (daniruiz)
  • 0002267: [Queued Tool Addition] horst - a lightweight IEEE802.11 wireless LAN analyzer with a text interface (daniruiz)
  • 0008739: [Tool Upgrade Request] Upgrade feroxbuster to 2.10.3 (daniruiz)
  • 0008731: [Kali Package Bug] OpenVas services,librairies and python not at the same level (sbrun)
  • 0008729: [Kali Package Improvement] Fresh Kali install, gvm (OpenVas) has 2 service start failures (sbrun)
  • 0004412: [Queued Tool Addition] Sickle - Shellcode development tool (sbrun)
  • 0007782: [Queued Tool Addition] Vopono - Run applications through VPN tunnels with temporary network namespaces (daniruiz)
  • 0004059: [Queued Tool Addition] getsploit - vulnersCom (daniruiz)
  • 0008722: [Tool Upgrade Request] python3-lsassy Upgrade Request (daniruiz)
  • 0007649: [Queued Tool Addition] waybackpy - CLI tool that interfaces the Wayback Machine API (daniruiz)
  • 0007778: [Queued Tool Addition] pyinstxtractor - PyInstaller Extractor (daniruiz)
  • 0008692: [Tool Upgrade Request] python3-aardwolf Upgrade Request (daniruiz)
  • 0008714: [Tool Upgrade Request] Upgrade dploot to 2.7.1 (daniruiz)
  • 0007870: [Queued Tool Addition] Autorecon - multi-threaded network reconnaissance tool which performs automated enumeration of services. (daniruiz)
  • 0007824: [Queued Tool Addition] lightdm-webkit2-greeter - A modern, visually appealing greeter for LightDM. (sbrun)
  • 0008671: [New Tool Requests] dploot - DPAPI looting remotely in Python (sbrun)
  • 0008695: [Kali Package Bug] mitmproxy 10.2.4 requires python3-cryptography >= 42. (sbrun)
  • 0008679: [Tool Upgrade Request] python3-lsassy Upgrade Request (sbrun)
  • 0004035: [Queued Tool Addition] BruteSpray - Automatically attempts default creds on found services. (sbrun)
  • 0005540: [Queued Tool Addition] SharpShooter - Payload Generation Framework (daniruiz)
  • 0008524: [Queued Tool Addition] pspy - Monitor linux processes without root permissions (daniruiz)
  • 0008457: [Queued Tool Addition] Ligolo-ng - Tunneling like a VPN (daniruiz)
  • 0008741: [Feature Requests] Please add package "console-data" to prebuilt ISO (arnaudr)
36 issues View Issues