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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003821Kali LinuxKali Package Bugpublic2017-12-05 13:37
ReporterTheNaterz Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2016.2 
Fixed in Version2018.1 
Summary0003821: polenum-0.2 inaccurately reports time values associated with password policies

polenum is a python script used by enum4linux to report password policy information. We identified and fixed 2 issues related to this report.

In the first issue, polenum was using the 'days' variable for 1 hour and 1 minute values. These have been changed to the 'hours' and 'minutes' variables respectively. Polenum was also not correctly concatenating the time string. If a duration is set to 1 day 1 hour 1 minutes (1501 minutes), polenum will report it as 1 minute. This has been fixed as well.

The second issue deals with how polenum was evaluating the 8-byte integer representing time values. Polenum was converting this number into 2 4-byte integers, determining if a value is 'Not Set' or 'None', then converting back into an 8-byte integer. If an account lockout period is set to a non-standard value (e.g. 61 minutes), the final 8-byte integer differs from the original and incorrectly reports the lockout period. We've submitted a fix for this so that the original 8-byte integer is preserved while still allowing for the ability to evaluate 'Not Set' and 'None' values.

Steps To Reproduce

1st issue:

  1. On a Windows host, set either 'Account lockout duration' or 'Reset account lockout counter after' to 60 minutes. (gpedit.msc > Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Account Policies > Account Lockout Policy). An 'Account lockout threshold' will need to be set to change these values.

  2. Using enum4linux, and with the current polenum-0.2 in PATH, run the following command: ./enum4linux -u windows_username -p windows_password -P windows_host_ip

  3. Either 'Locked Account Duration' or 'Reset Account Lockout Counter' will report 0 hour instead of 1 hour.

2nd issue:

  1. On a Windows host, set either 'Account lockout duration' or 'Reset account lockout counter after' to 61 minutes.

  2. Using enum4linux, and with the current polenum-0.2 in PATH, run the following command: ./enum4linux -u windows_username -p windows_password -P windows_host_ip

  3. Either 'Locked Account Duration' or 'Reset Account Lockout Counter' will report 53 minutes instead of 1 hour 1 minute.

Additional Information

We're currently hosting a patched version of polenum on our public Github: I've also attached the patched script. Please review and let us know if any further issues are encountered.

Attached Files (12,053 bytes)   


	This Python Script Uses Core's Impacket Library to get the password policy from a windows machine

		Testing has been limited so Let me know if it works/fails

	Version 0.2
 	Usage:./ [username[:password]@]<address> [protocol list...]

                Available protocols: ['445/SMB', '139/SMB']	
	example: polenum aaa:[email protected] 
	Copyright (C) 20/08/2008 - deanx <RID[at]>
	Version 0.2 
	* "This product includes software developed by
	*	   CORE Security Technologies ("


import socket
import string
import sys
import types
import time

from impacket import uuid
from impacket.dcerpc import dcerpc_v4, dcerpc, transport, samr
from impacket import ImpactPacket
from impacket.dcerpc.samr import * 
from impacket.smb import SessionError

def get_obj(name): return eval(name)

version = '0.2'

def usage(): # Self explanitory
    print __doc__
def d2b(a):
	bin = []
	while a:
		a /= 2
	return bin[::-1]

class ExtendInplace(type):
	def __new__(self, name, bases, dict):
		prevclass = get_obj(name)
		del dict['__module__']
		del dict['__metaclass__']

		# We can't use prevclass.__dict__.update since __dict__
		# isn't a real dict
		for k,v in dict.iteritems():
			setattr(prevclass, k, v)
		return prevclass

def display_time(filetime_high, filetime_low, minutes_utc=0):
	import __builtins__
	d = filetime_low + (filetime_high)*16**8 # convert to 64bit int
	d *= 1.0e-7 # convert to seconds
	d -= 11644473600 # remove 3389 years?
		return strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000ddddd", localtime(d)) # return the standard format day
	except ValueError,e:
		return "0"		

def convert(value):
	low, high = unpack('<ll', pack("<q", value))

	if low == 0 and hex(high) == "-0x80000000":
		return "Not Set"
	if low == 0 and high == 0:
		return "None"

	tmp = int(1e-7*-value)
		minutes = int(strftime("%M", gmtime(tmp)))  # do the conversion to human readable format
	except ValueError, e:
		return "BAD TIME:"
	hours = int(strftime("%H", gmtime(tmp)))
	days = int(strftime("%j", gmtime(tmp)))-1
	time = ""
	if days > 1:
		time += str(days) + " days "
	elif days == 1:
		time += str(days) + " day "
	if hours > 1:
		time += str(hours) + " hours "
	elif hours == 1:
		time += str(hours) + " hour "	
	if minutes > 1:
		time += str(minutes) + " minutes"
	elif minutes == 1:
		time += str(minutes) + " minute "
	return time

class MSRPCPassInfo:
	ITEMS = {'Minimum password':0,
			 'Password history':1,
			 'Maximum password age (d)':2,
			 'Password must meet complexity requirements':3,
			 'Minimum password age (d)':4,
			 'Forced logoff time (s)':5,
			 'Locked account time (s)':6,
			 'Time between failed logon (s)':7,
			 'Number of invalid logon before locked out (s)':8
	PASSCOMPLEX = {	5:'Domain Password Complex:',
					4:'Domain Password No Anon Change:',
					3:'Domain Password No Clear Change:',
					2:'Domain Password Lockout Admins:',
					1:'Domain Password Store Cleartext:',
					0:'Domain Refuse Password Change:'

	def __init__(self, data = None):
		self._min_pass_length = 0
		self._pass_hist = 0
		self._pass_prop= 0
		self._min_age_low = 0
		self._min_age_high = 0
		self._max_age_low = 0
		self._max_age_high = 0
		self._pwd_can_change_low = 0
		self._pwd_can_change_high = 0
		self._pwd_must_change_low = 0
		self._pwd_must_change_high = 0
		self._max_force_low = 0
		self._max_force_high = 0
		self._role = 0
		self._lockout_window_low = 0
		self._lockout_window_high = 0
		self._lockout_dur_low = 0
		self._lockout_dur_high = 0
		self._lockout_thresh = 0

		if data: self.set_header(data, 1)

	def set_header(self,data,level):
		index = 8
		if level == 1: 
			self._min_pass_length, self._pass_hist, self._pass_prop, self._max_age, self._min_age = unpack('<HHLqq',data[index:index+24])
			bin = d2b(self._pass_prop)
			if len(bin) != 8:
				for x in xrange(6 - len(bin)):
			self._pass_prop =  ''.join([str(g) for g in bin])	
		if level == 3:
			self._max_force = unpack('<q',data[index:index+8])[0]
		if level == 7:
			self._role = unpack('<L',data[index:index+4])
		if level == 12:
			self._lockout_dur, self._lockout_window, self._lockout_thresh = unpack('<qqH',data[index:index+18])

	def print_friendly(self):
		print "\n\t[+] Minimum password length: " + str(self._min_pass_length or "None")
		print "\t[+] Password history length: " + str(self._pass_hist or "None" )
		print "\t[+] Maximum password age: " + str(convert(self._max_age))
		print "\t[+] Password Complexity Flags: " + str(self._pass_prop or "None") + "\n"
		i = 0
		for a in self._pass_prop:
			#print "BIT " +str(i) + a
			print "\t\t[+] " + self.PASSCOMPLEX[i] + " " + str(a)
			i+= 1
		print "\n\t[+] Minimum password age: " + str(convert(self._min_age))
		print "\t[+] Reset Account Lockout Counter: " + str(convert(self._lockout_window))
		print "\t[+] Locked Account Duration: " + str(convert(self._lockout_dur))
		print "\t[+] Account Lockout Threshold: " + str(self._lockout_thresh or "None")
		#print "Server Role: " + str(self._role[0])
		print "\t[+] Forced Log off Time: " + str(convert(self._max_force))

class SAMREnumDomainsPass(ImpactPacket.Header):
	OP_NUM = 0x2E

	__SIZE = 22

	def __init__(self, aBuffer = None):
		ImpactPacket.Header.__init__(self, SAMREnumDomainsPass.__SIZE)

		if aBuffer: self.load_header(aBuffer)

	def get_context_handle(self):
		return self.get_bytes().tolist()[:20]
	def set_context_handle(self, handle):
		assert 20 == len(handle)
		self.get_bytes()[:20] = array.array('B', handle)

	def get_resume_handle(self):
		return self.get_long(20, '<')
	def set_resume_handle(self, handle):
		self.set_long(20, handle, '<')

	def get_account_control(self):
		return self.get_long(20, '<')
	def set_account_control(self, mask):
		self.set_long(20, mask, '<')

	def get_pref_max_size(self):
		return self.get_long(28, '<')
	def set_pref_max_size(self, size):
		self.set_long(28, size, '<')

	def get_header_size(self):
		return SAMREnumDomainsPass.__SIZE
	def get_level(self):
		return self.get_word(20, '<')
	def set_level(self, level):
		self.set_word(20, level, '<')

class SAMRRespLookupPassPolicy(ImpactPacket.Header):
	__SIZE = 4

	def __init__(self, aBuffer = None):
		ImpactPacket.Header.__init__(self, SAMRRespLookupPassPolicy.__SIZE)
		if aBuffer: self.load_header(aBuffer)

	def get_pass_info(self):
		return MSRPCPassInfo(self.get_bytes()[:-4].tostring())
	def set_pass_info(self, info, level):
		assert isinstance(info, MSRPCPassInfo)
		self.get_bytes()[:-4] = array.array('B', info.rawData())

	def get_return_code(self):
		return self.get_long(-4, '<')
	def set_return_code(self, code):
		self.set_long(-4, code, '<')
	def get_context_handle(self):
		return self.get_bytes().tolist()[:12]

	def get_header_size(self):
		var_size = len(self.get_bytes()) - SAMRRespLookupPassPolicy.__SIZE
		assert var_size > 0
		return SAMRRespLookupPassPolicy.__SIZE + var_size

class DCERPCSamr:
	def enumPass(self,context_handle): # needs to make 3 requests to get all pass policy
		enumpas = SAMREnumDomainsPass()
		data = self._dcerpc.recv()
		retVal = SAMRRespLookupPassPolicy(data)
		pspol = retVal.get_pass_info()
		enumpas = SAMREnumDomainsPass()
		data = self._dcerpc.recv()
		enumpas = SAMREnumDomainsPass()
		data = self._dcerpc.recv()

		enumpas = SAMREnumDomainsPass()
		data = self._dcerpc.recv()
		#return retVal
		return pspol 
	def opendomain(self,context_handle,domain_sid):
		opendom = SAMROpenDomainHeader()
		data = self._dcerpc.recv()
		retVal = SAMRRespOpenDomainHeader(data)
		return retVal

class ListUsersException(Exception):

class SAMRDump:
		'139/SMB': (r'ncacn_np:%s[\pipe\samr]', 139),
		'445/SMB': (r'ncacn_np:%s[\pipe\samr]', 445),

	def __init__(self, protocols = None,
				 username = '', password = ''):
		if not protocols:
			protocols = SAMRDump.KNOWN_PROTOCOLS.keys()

		self.__username = username
		self.__password = password
		self.__protocols = protocols

	def dump(self, addr):
		"""Dumps the list of users and shares registered present at
		addr. Addr is a valid host name or IP address.

		encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
		if (self.__username and self.__password):
			print '[+] Attaching to ' + addr + ' using ' + self.__username + ":" + self.__password
		elif (self.__username):
			print '[+] Attaching to ' + addr + ' using ' + self.__username
			print '[+] Attaching to ' + addr + ' using a NULL share'

		# Try all requested protocols until one works.
		entries = []
		for protocol in self.__protocols:
				protodef = SAMRDump.KNOWN_PROTOCOLS[protocol]
				port = protodef[1]
			except KeyError,e:
				print "\n\t[!] Invalid Protocol \'%s\'\n" % protocol
			print "\n\t[+] Trying protocol %s..." % protocol
			rpctransport = transport.SMBTransport(addr, port, r'\samr', self.__username, self.__password)

				entries = self.__fetchList(rpctransport)
			except Exception, e:
				print '\n\t[!] Protocol failed: %s' % e
				# Got a response. No need for further iterations.

	def __fetchList(self, rpctransport):
		dce = dcerpc.DCERPC_v5(rpctransport)
		encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
		entries = []
			rpcsamr = samr.DCERPCSamr(dce)
			resp = rpcsamr.connect()
			if resp.get_return_code() != 0:
				raise ListUsersException, 'Connect error'

			_context_handle = resp.get_context_handle()
			resp = rpcsamr.enumdomains(_context_handle)
			if resp.get_return_code() != 0:
				raise ListUsersException, 'EnumDomain error'

			domains = resp.get_domains().elements()

			print '\n[+] Found domain(s):\n'
			for i in range(0, resp.get_entries_num()):
				print "\t[+] %s" % domains[i].get_name()

			print "\n[+] Password Info for Domain: %s" % domains[0].get_name()
			resp = rpcsamr.lookupdomain(_context_handle, domains[0])
			if resp.get_return_code() != 0:
				raise ListUsersException, 'LookupDomain error'
			resp = rpcsamr.opendomain(_context_handle, resp.get_domain_sid())
			if resp.get_return_code() != 0:
				raise ListUsersException, 'OpenDomain error'
			domain_context_handle = resp.get_context_handle()
			resp = rpcsamr.enumPass(domain_context_handle)
		except ListUsersException, e:
			print "Error Getting Password Policy: %s" % e
		return entries

__doc__ = '\n  polenum ' + version + ' - (C) 2008 deanx\n\n' 
__doc__ += '\t\t\t RID[at]\n\n' 
__doc__ += '  Usage:' + sys.argv[0] + ' [username[:password]@]<address> [protocol list...]'
__doc__ += '\n\n\t\tAvailable protocols: ' + str(SAMRDump.KNOWN_PROTOCOLS.keys()) + '\n'

# Process command-line arguments.
if __name__ == '__main__':
	if len(sys.argv) <= 1:

	import re

	username, password, address = re.compile('(?:([^@:]*)(?::([^@]*))?@)?(.*)').match(sys.argv[1]).groups('')

	if len(sys.argv) > 2:
		dumper = SAMRDump(sys.argv[2:], username, password)
		dumper = SAMRDump(username = username, password = password)
	except KeyboardInterrupt:
		print "\n\t[!] Ctrl-C Caught, ByeBye\n"
		sys.exit(2) (12,053 bytes)   




2017-01-13 18:35

reporter   ~0006245

Actually, a much more decent polenum can be found here:

Notably, this version is more regularly maintained and also supports the latest impacket dcerpc v5 library.



2017-12-05 13:36

manager   ~0007664

fixed in new version 1.4-0kali1

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-01-06 18:47 TheNaterz New Issue
2017-01-06 18:47 TheNaterz File Added:
2017-01-13 18:35 TheNaterz Note Added: 0006245
2017-12-05 13:36 sbrun Note Added: 0007664
2017-12-05 13:37 sbrun Status new => resolved
2017-12-05 13:37 sbrun Resolution open => fixed
2017-12-05 13:37 sbrun Fixed in Version => 2018.1