View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009049Kali LinuxGeneral Bugpublic2025-01-28 10:57
Reporterabidhasansojib Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0009049: << Forum Home NetHunter Forums NetHunter General/Troubleshooting Sudo: unable to find terminal name for device 136, 0 Sudo: unab

I have installed nethunter 2024.4 with magisk 28.1 without custom kernel. I’m getting this error when I use sudo command

sudo: unable to find terminal name for device 136, 0

Also I can’t access vnc in root season but I can access in in normal kali user.When I try to start vnc with kex in nethunter app It says vncserver already started.But I checked everything no vncserver is running and I can’t access vnc in root.But normal kali user’s vnc is working

Why this is happening? If anyone can help please response.

Note:It also happened on previous version of nethunter 2024.2 after updating the system
But now it’s happening without updating system


has duplicate 0009050 closeddaniruiz Sudo Need upgrade to latest version in nethunter and vnc should fix in root season 




2025-01-25 14:41

reporter   ~0020286

Hello, this is my problem and I can't find a solution



2025-01-25 16:12

reporter   ~0020287

Last edited: 2025-01-25 17:13

One of the first hits seems to say that this is a bug in the sudo package and not in Kali itself:

Probably will be solved once the patches mentioned there are released and the fixed sudo package is integrated into the next Kali version.



2025-01-25 16:35

reporter   ~0020288

Ok thanks for the answer I have one more question, is there any information about when the next Kali version will be released in which the improvement will be built in?



2025-01-25 16:46

reporter   ~0020289

Not part of the Kali team so no idea :-)

But probably "When its" done :-)



2025-01-25 16:53

reporter   ~0020290

ok thanks for the answers. :)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-02 05:47 abidhasansojib New Issue
2025-01-25 14:41 Liikala96 Note Added: 0020286
2025-01-25 16:12 kali-bugreport Note Added: 0020287
2025-01-25 16:35 Liikala96 Note Added: 0020288
2025-01-25 16:46 kali-bugreport Note Added: 0020289
2025-01-25 16:53 Liikala96 Note Added: 0020290
2025-01-25 17:13 kali-bugreport Note Edited: 0020287
2025-01-28 10:57 daniruiz Relationship added has duplicate 0009050