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View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008215Kali LinuxKali Websites & Docspublic2025-01-08 22:25
Reporterkali-bugreport Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0008215: Low quality / misplaced bug reports

There seems to be a huge amount of low quality and/or misplaced bug reports in this bug tracker

  • In general nearly no one is following
  • Bug reports have no real usable info, contains too much irrelevant info and similar
  • Issues are raised here instead of in the Bug Tracker of eg. Debian or the bug tracker of the software in question
  • Bug reports are eg. added to the "Feature Request", "Package improvement" or similar category
  • The ongoing issue of some users (or even bots?) cloning existing issues (See 0006983)

As the Kali team seems to be fairly small and not able to handle all of the 7k open issues it probably make sense to increase the efforts for users to create bug reports.

Some ideas:

  • Use templates for bug reports like suggested in 0006984
  • Restrict permissions to trusted users only (eg. some permission model working together with the forums, ...)
  • Always show a "jump in" message when opening the bug tracker for the first time (maybe possible on web server?) which gives users guidance where and how to create a bug report


has duplicate 0008415 closeddaniruiz Low quality / misplaced bug reports 




2023-03-12 09:12

reporter   ~0017644

Overall the goal should be to increase the quality of bug reports to decrease the amount of work the Kali team needs to put into them. Because the current situation looks quite awkward due too the real low quality of bug reports.



2025-01-08 22:25

reporter   ~0020228

Hello Kali Team,

i would suggest to at least try to solve the "clonig" issue (even this one got cloned) with some more priority:

If you search for "wrongly cloned" you currently find at least 38 of such issues (so not only rare cases and there might be even more) and 4 of them even still open / in new state.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-03-12 09:10 kali-bugreport New Issue
2023-03-12 09:12 kali-bugreport Note Added: 0017644
2023-08-07 14:15 Scoby290 Issue cloned: 0008415
2023-08-09 16:04 daniruiz Relationship added has duplicate 0008415
2025-01-08 22:25 kali-bugreport Note Added: 0020228