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View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008297Kali LinuxGeneral Bugpublic2023-05-10 01:14
Reportersidhupb13 Assigned Toarnaudr  
PriorityimmediateSeveritytextReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Product Version2023.1 
Summary0008297: OpenCL issues

We now include pocl2 (libpocl2) in standard images, this is a bad solution.
Intel for Intel, Nvidia for Nvidia and AMD for AMD. If we run the portable O
POCL2 on top if these computing libraries, which we do today, user experience related to computing tools will have an
issue with decreased hash rate. We dont want this.

We cannot do Intel + POCL2 and so, they will be registrated and system 1 and 2 in computing tools
like hashcat. Register as 2, devided. This will decrease computing hashed significant.

Intel ICD for Intel, Nvidia ICD for Intel, AMD for AMD and POCL2 for NetHunter or ARM64 systems is what we want.


duplicate of 0008288 closed OpenCL issues 




2023-05-09 21:31

reporter   ~0017906

Yet another wrongly cloned issue...

Duplicate of 0008288

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-05-09 16:04 sidhupb13 New Issue
2023-05-09 16:04 sidhupb13 Issue generated from: 0008288
2023-05-09 21:31 kali-bugreport Note Added: 0017906
2023-05-10 01:14 arnaudr Assigned To => arnaudr
2023-05-10 01:14 arnaudr Status new => closed
2023-05-10 01:14 arnaudr Resolution open => duplicate
2023-05-10 01:14 arnaudr Relationship added duplicate of 0008288