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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008204Kali LinuxKali Package Bugpublic2023-03-31 03:02
Reporterjexbox1987 Assigned Toarnaudr  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2022.4 
Fixed in Version2023.1 
Summary0008204: KDEConnect & Bluetooth Services does not start

Bluetooth Service Missing Firmware for Old Atheros Bluetooth chipset.
Bluetooth Service doesn't start on Boot (Regardless the manually firmware fix)
Kde Connect missing config folder renders the Service not to startup at Boot.

Steps To Reproduce

Bluetooth Service:
For this Service, Firmware Folder called ark3k (Around 343.0 Kb total in size) is missing.
Rendering the Old Atheros Bluetooth chipset to fail to start on Old Low end Laptops.
Although even after fixed, this is an annoying bug, the Bluetooth Services do not start on "Boot"

Lets assume, even if it had all the bluetooth firmware in place, regardless that, the service won't start
unless "service bluetooth start" is run manually each time on the Terminal.
Or if we manually create a service autostart through terminal

The System Settings services section, Although Bluetooth service is Ticked, it still doesn't start.


KDEConnect doesn't work out of the box. There is no autostart service to make it run unless
and until we manually run this command:

"nohup /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kdeconnectd &>/dev/null &"

Which then creates the missing settings folder "kdeconnect" in "~/.config"
and thus it starts normally after that.

Without doing the above step, the kdeconnectd wont show up any devices as no services are
running in the background from an out of the box installation. thus, the "killall kdeconnectd"
renders "no running process" error.

Additional Information

Missing firmware folder "ark3k" present

request to add "nohup /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kdeconnectd &>/dev/null &" to create missing config during setup for it to
start Kde Connect service after a fresh install

Attached Files




2023-03-05 21:28

reporter   ~0017615

Forget what I said above about KDE. I see that the main problem with it was missing Autostart script.
The kdeconnectd wasn't starting in the background even after restarts.

KDE Connect Autostart script was missing at /etc/xdg/autostart/kdeconnectd.desktop in Fresh Install of Kali Linux.

[Desktop Entry]

IDK if it's a install bug in Kali or not as in Ubuntu if we install or reinstall KdeConnect package, it automatically starts the service
But that doesn't happen in Kali linux.


2023-03-06 13:24


I had also an issue using KDEconnect, and I found the cause.

Do this in order to make it work:
mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.kde.kdeconnect.service{.original,}

it seems that kali-defaults install a commented file of the KDEconnect D-bus service, and rename the original file extracted by KDEconnect to *.original
That's why it doesn't work, because kdeconnectd can't be started



2023-03-06 15:00

manager   ~0017618

Last edited: 2023-03-06 15:01

KDEConnect is not started by default on Kali, and that's on purpose. It was disabled about two years ago, in commit

The commit message says it all:

Disable kdeconnectd automatic startup in user sessions

This daemon listens on public interfaces (tcp/udp port 1716) and we
don't want any public service enabled by default.

See also:

Regarding the missing firmware ark3k: do you have logs, or something a bit more precise? Is it really ark3k or ar3k?



2023-03-06 15:54

reporter   ~0017620

Okay thank you for mentioning about KDE.

It's ar3k not ark3k

I can't really give the logs now sadly, but it was firmware failed to load in red Text for Bluetooth when I checked,

It's just that firmware. Quite old but still why not have 200kb

I attached the firmware folder I downloaded from kali firmware repository



2023-03-06 16:55

manager   ~0017621

From what I can see, those files are included in the package firmware-atheros:

$ apt-file search ar3k
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/AthrBT_0x01020001.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/AthrBT_0x01020200.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/AthrBT_0x01020201.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/AthrBT_0x11020000.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/AthrBT_0x11020100.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/AthrBT_0x31010000.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/AthrBT_0x31010100.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/AthrBT_0x41020000.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/ramps_0x01020001_26.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/ramps_0x01020200_26.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/ramps_0x01020200_40.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/ramps_0x01020201_26.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/ramps_0x01020201_40.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/ramps_0x11020000_40.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/ramps_0x11020100_40.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/ramps_0x31010000_40.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/ramps_0x31010100_40.dfu
firmware-atheros: /lib/firmware/ar3k/ramps_0x41020000_40.dfu

Can you check if this package is installed? Also, where did you see the error messages, was it during the Kali installer (which version, 2022.4 or weekly?), or in the journal logs?



2023-03-06 17:21

reporter   ~0017622

I use this image kali-linux-2022.4-installer-amd64.iso which isn't a weekly.
I saw this the error missing firmware log when diagnosing the bluethooth service in it's journal because bluetooth wasn't working out of the box in fresh install.

It happens on fresh install, and no errors during setup or installation of the Kali os.

During the setup, I usually don't install the tools that come with it.
I do a tool-less install with xfce and plasma kde.

After booting on a fresh install,
the bluetooth never starts and checking the logs suggest me missing firmware.

So everytime I have to install that firmware just for this chipset Atheros.

Also the bluetooth service doesn't start even though its tick inside the system setting -> autostart -> bluetooth.

I don't the process I went through to make my bluetooth work, usually I went through some stackoverflow thread from which I ran the commands.

anyways the bluetooth chipset is :

idVendor 0x0cf3 Qualcomm Atheros Communications
idProduct 0x3004 AR3012 Bluetooth 4.0



2023-03-07 05:34

manager   ~0017625

Last edited: 2023-03-07 05:34

I found out that firmware are not installed by default if you don't install tools. It looks like a bug. I will discuss that with the team to see how we can improve that.



2023-03-17 14:07

manager   ~0017682

I found out that firmware are not installed by default if you don't install tools. It looks like a bug. I will discuss that with the team to see how we can improve that.

So this is fixed in version 2023.1, if you install Kali without tools, firmware will still be installed, so bluetooth should work

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-03-05 09:51 jexbox1987 New Issue
2023-03-05 21:28 jexbox1987 Note Added: 0017615
2023-03-06 13:24 user6331 Note Added: 0017616
2023-03-06 15:00 arnaudr Note Added: 0017618
2023-03-06 15:01 arnaudr Note Edited: 0017618
2023-03-06 15:54 jexbox1987 File Added:
2023-03-06 15:54 jexbox1987 Note Added: 0017620
2023-03-06 16:55 arnaudr Note Added: 0017621
2023-03-06 17:21 jexbox1987 Note Added: 0017622
2023-03-07 05:34 arnaudr Note Added: 0017625
2023-03-07 05:34 arnaudr Note Edited: 0017625
2023-03-17 14:07 arnaudr Note Added: 0017682
2023-03-31 03:02 arnaudr Assigned To => arnaudr
2023-03-31 03:02 arnaudr Status new => resolved
2023-03-31 03:02 arnaudr Resolution open => fixed
2023-03-31 03:02 arnaudr Fixed in Version => 2023.1