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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008528Kali LinuxKali Package Bugpublic2024-06-14 15:14
Reporterarsic Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionopen 
Summary0008528: apt upgrade to 6.5.0 breaks gui

Hey all,
I decided to upgrade my kernel and packages to the newest rolling release (6.5) as I was on 6.3. However, once I had ran "apt update" "apt upgrade" and then rebooted my system, I was met with tty1 and I have not been able to figure out why my gui isn't laucnhing. "startx" works but my mouse wont work with it and it's lacking functionality. I'm not quite sure what the issues is, lightdm is my current DE and I have considered maybe trying to switch but I'm also not entirely sure what the problem is. I have been checking lightdm logs, boot logs, etc etc but I'm not quite a pro at this and haven't fully been able to isolate the problem so I thought I would post here. I should mention I am running kali on baremetal (amd64) (my other partition is windows). My temporary solution is just to wait for new kali releases and hope it's fixed, until then I have been using the advanced boot options to boot into 6.3 where everything still works just fine. Once again the issue is simply my gui isn't working, all files and such are all still here, nothing else seems to have broke. I would be more then happy to provide logs or output of commands, any suggestions or ideas as to what the issue is?




2023-11-10 02:37

reporter   ~0018614

So I have my gui working now, i swapped to gdm3. But my touchpad isn't working...

I have reinstalled Xserver
reinstalled gdm3, gnome, gnome-shell

I've just been messing around and trying to figure out what went wrong...



2024-06-14 15:14

administrator   ~0019429

This report has been filed against an old version of Kali. We will be closing this ticket due to inactivity.

Please could you see if you are able to replicate this issue with the latest version of Kali Linux (

If you are still facing the same problem, feel free to re-open the ticket. If you choose to do this, could you provide more information to the issue you are facing, and also give information about your setup?
For more information, please read:

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-11-09 06:09 arsic New Issue
2023-11-10 02:37 arsic Note Added: 0018614
2024-06-14 15:14 g0tmi1k Note Added: 0019429
2024-06-14 15:14 g0tmi1k Status new => closed