View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008537Kali LinuxKali Websites & Docspublic2023-11-27 09:12
Reporter[email protected] Assigned Todaniruiz  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionsuspended 
Summary0008537: website bug

there are some bugs in kali .org

Attached Files
ZAP Scanning Report.pdf (245,713 bytes)




2023-11-27 08:17

reporter   ~0018645

Do you actually unterstand what you are reporting here or did you just thrown in a report of an automatic tool without checking if these are even valid?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-11-25 11:04 [email protected] New Issue
2023-11-25 11:04 [email protected] File Added: ZAP Scanning Report.pdf
2023-11-27 08:17 kali-bugreport Note Added: 0018645
2023-11-27 09:12 daniruiz Assigned To => daniruiz
2023-11-27 09:12 daniruiz Status new => closed
2023-11-27 09:12 daniruiz Resolution open => suspended