View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008573Kali LinuxNew Tool Requestspublic2024-03-13 13:18
ReporterMask Assigned Todaniruiz  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Summary0008573: app up scrcpy

You can put scrcpy
Add to warehouse?


duplicate of 0008623 closed scrcpy - Display and control your Android device 




2023-12-27 03:13

manager   ~0018749

To help speed up the process of evaluating the tool, please make sure to include the following information (the more information you include, the more beneficial it will be for us):

[Name] - The name of the tool
[Already packaged] - Is the tool already packaged following Debian standard? A binary .deb is not sufficient.
[Willingness to package] - Is the tool creator willing to package the tool?
[Version] - What version of the tool should be added?
--- If it uses source control (such as git), please make sure there is a release to match (e.g. git tag).
[Activity] - When did the project start? Is it still actively being developed? When was the most recent tagged release? How often are commits tagged?
[Homepage] - Where can the tool be found online? Where to go to get more information?
[Download] - Where to go to get the tool? Either a download page or a link to the latest version.
[Author(s)] - Who made the tool? What is their contact information (email, git, etc)?
[License] - How is the software distributed? What conditions does it come with?
--- Note, sometimes tools will bundle third-party code under a different license. Does the tool include multiple licenses? Which license(s) apply to which parts of the code?
[Description] - What is the tool about? What does it do?
[Features] - What features does the tool have?

[Update and/or dependency checking] - Does the tool have an auto update feature? Can it be disabled? Does it check for dependencies? Can it be disabled?

[Programming language] - What is the code written in? What utilities are used?
--- Think something like a file or minified javascript files.
[Hardcoding] - Does the tool contain hardcoded directories and paths?
--- Something like /home/user/tool/file would cause issues with typical Debian packaging standards, please include mention of these cases.
[Dependencies] - What is needed for the tool to work?

[Missing] - Are there any dependencies that are missing?
[Old] - Does this tool require an old version of a dependency? Which version?

[Kaboxer] - Is this tool a candidate for Kaboxer?
[Similar tools] - What other tools are out there that can be used for the same purpose?
[How to install] - How do you compile it?
--- Note, using source code to acquire (e.g. git clone or svn checkout) can't be used - Also downloading from the head. Please use a "tag" or "release" version.

[System-wide installation] - Does the tool support system-wide installation?

[How to use] - What are some basic commands/functions to demonstrate it?
[Pentest use case] - In what way is this tool used in a Pentest?

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-12-24 05:05 Mask New Issue
2023-12-27 03:13 steev Note Added: 0018749
2024-03-13 13:18 daniruiz Assigned To => daniruiz
2024-03-13 13:18 daniruiz Status new => closed
2024-03-13 13:18 daniruiz Resolution open => duplicate
2024-03-13 13:18 daniruiz Relationship added duplicate of 0008623