View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008641Kali LinuxGeneral Bugpublic2024-02-21 10:45
ReporterDeadlooks Assigned Todaniruiz  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Summary0008641: Why kali always adding the untrusted reposetories that is not even in my source or related files!

There is no repositories like these in my entire system? kali-rolling/main arm64 kali-rolling/main arm64

why is it requesting this repositories?

why do i need to face these issues over and over again?

There are a lot of issues with Kali Linux !, if updated the system, it breaks.

There is a high chance of getting my installed os get corrupted, Desktop not working, etc.. when every updated the system.
Need to transfer entire data and reboot the os and and transfer data again, this is very frustrating process.

i only need official Kali repositories.

previously : 0008298




2024-02-21 10:45

manager   ~0018933

If you're apt configuration inside /etc/apt/sources.list is using the url (which is the default one) you're using a mirror redirector. Thus, when you execute apt it will be redirected to the nearest mirror to where you live, that's why the url that you see in the apt's output isn't the same as the one in the config file

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-02-21 10:16 Deadlooks New Issue
2024-02-21 10:45 daniruiz Note Added: 0018933
2024-02-21 10:45 daniruiz Assigned To => daniruiz
2024-02-21 10:45 daniruiz Status new => closed
2024-02-21 10:45 daniruiz Resolution open => no change required