View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009015Kali LinuxGeneral Bugpublic2025-02-03 15:49
Reporteraasterisk Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0009015: Unresponsive desktop and app panels missing resizing buttons

Similar to - 0004794.

  • Unresponsive desktop and app panels missing resizing buttons
  • Desktop wallpaper and files are missing

Reproduction - sudo su ; apt-get update && apt get upgrade -y

Temporary solution - sudo rm -r .cache .config .local and logging out ... occasionally works.

Solution described at issue - 0004794, no longer works
-Command: apt-get -o dpkg::options::="--force-overwrite" install gnome-shell-extension-workspacestodock

  • Error: Package 'gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock' has no installation candidate

Additional info -

  • Running as VM in Vbox
  • apt-get - Dist-upgrade, autoremove and clean did not work




2024-12-05 15:42

reporter   ~0020130

I have found a solution, please follow the solution below, but before removing anything recursively that is rm -r make sure to copy those folder contents if you have any personal data like desktop files, icons, symlinks, etc.

Use the — apt update && apt full-upgrade -y .

  • It will install some additional packages.

Use — rm -r .config .cache .local

  • Reboot a couple of times, sometimes it might not boot up and end up in initramfs, just type help, and force shutdown
  • On next reboot, it should boot properly.

Some taskbar icons will be gone, but the system seems stable and reboot sustains the user settings like wallpaper, desktop files etc.



2024-12-23 09:11

manager   ~0020193

Users should always be using full-upgrade and not just upgrade on kali systems; we have this documented at - because dependencies can and do change often, we expect users to run full upgrades, and not just upgrade.



2024-12-23 16:39

reporter   ~0020194

Problem: No one is reading documentation :-/



2024-12-24 14:33

reporter   ~0020195

Even though I did a full-upgrade, there is a bug like this in the background of the terminal, which comes automatically with the installation. And sometimes icon disappearances, other technical errors etc.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-24 10:37 aasterisk New Issue
2024-12-05 15:42 aasterisk Note Added: 0020130
2024-12-23 09:11 steev Note Added: 0020193
2024-12-23 16:39 kali-bugreport Note Added: 0020194
2024-12-24 14:33 Stallion77 Note Added: 0020195