View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009059Kali LinuxNew Tool Requestspublic2025-01-13 08:36 Assigned Todaniruiz  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0009059: Request to include the Gnome Shell extension "top-panel-genmon-vpnip" as a default feature in Gnome Shell.

The "top-panel-genmon-vpnip" extension enhances user productivity and ease of access by displaying the active VPN IP address directly in the Gnome Shell top bar. This feature is particularly beneficial for users working in cybersecurity labs, such as those pursuing certifications like OSCP, where quick access to the VPN IP is crucial. The IP address is clickable and can be copied to the clipboard, saving time and reducing the monotony of manually finding the IP address for tasks like setting up reverse shells.


Feature Parity with XFCE: XFCE, which is a popular desktop environment, includes this functionality as a default feature. Adding this extension to Gnome Shell ensures feature parity and enhances the user experience for Gnome users.

Streamlined Workflow: The ability to quickly view and copy the VPN IP address directly from the top bar simplifies the workflow for penetration testers, ethical hackers, and developers working in lab environments.

Approval by Gnome Extension Team: The extension has been reviewed and approved by the Gnome Extension Team, ensuring its reliability and security.

Ease of Installation and Use: The extension is easy to install and activate, requiring minimal steps. Users can enable or disable it using simple Gnome commands.

GitHub Link:

Clone the project

git clone
Copy the Extension

cp -R gnome-panel-genmon-vpnip ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/[email protected]
Restart Gnome Shell
Restart Gnome Shell

Alt + F2

Enabling the Extension
Enabling Extension

gnome-extensions list
gnome-extensions enable [email protected]
Disabling the Extension
gnome-extensions disable [email protected]


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-06 18:15 New Issue
2025-01-13 08:36 daniruiz Assigned To => daniruiz
2025-01-13 08:36 daniruiz Status new => assigned