View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009061Kali LinuxGeneral Bugpublic2025-01-13 01:55
Reporterdudah16x Assigned Toarnaudr  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Summary0009061: Lock screen activated despite settings set to not lock screen in Kali 2024.4

Since Kali 2024.4, several users have reported that the lock screen is activated after a short period of inactivity, despite settings changed to prevent. Configuring power and display options to prevent screen lock does not stop the screen from locking automatically. I was running 2024.3 in a VM and had no problems. Performed an upgrade and first noticed the issue. Downloaded a new base install of 2024.4, and noticed the issue is also present with no additional changes.

To replicate issue, download new ISO image of 2024.4 in a VM and the screen logout will occur, even if the setting is disabled.

Several users affected, see this report and messages in OffSec Discord server for further examples.




2025-01-08 19:27

reporter   ~0020227

Yet another.wrongly cloned issue...

Duplicate of 0009060

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-08 18:41 dudah16x New Issue
2025-01-08 18:41 dudah16x Issue generated from: 0009060
2025-01-08 19:27 kali-bugreport Note Added: 0020227
2025-01-13 01:55 arnaudr Assigned To => arnaudr
2025-01-13 01:55 arnaudr Status new => closed
2025-01-13 01:55 arnaudr Resolution open => duplicate