[Name] - Proxy Bypass
[Version] - V1.1.0
[Git Tag for release] - https://github.com/Add3r/Proxy_Bypass/releases/tag/v1.1.0
[Homepage & More Information] - https://github.com/Add3r/Proxy_Bypass
[Download] - https://github.com/Add3r/Proxy_Bypass/releases/tag/v1.1.0
[Author] - Karthick Siva
[Licence] - GPL-3.0 license (https://github.com/Add3r/Proxy_Bypass?tab=GPL-3.0-1-ov-file#readme)
Post Exploitation tool that identifies user agents that can bypass proxy restrictions. Equipped with a comprehensive set of options, it allows to test different user agents under various conditions, such as browser type and platform.
By leveraging this tool, you can pinpoint specific user agents that can elude certain proxy server restrictions. Furthermore, the tool provides verbose outputs, batch processing capabilities, and options to test against specific target domains.
Additionally, this repository contains a predefined list of user agents from Useragent-Fuzz-lib repository which can be used right out of the box, but the tool also supports custom user agent files.
[Dependencies] - Minimum python version 3.12.0
[Similar tools] - None at the moment
[Activity] -
When did the project start? - Mid 2023
Is is still actively being deployed? - yes, initial release was in Python and now the code is currently being built in Rust and Powershell to support different post exploitation scenarios
[How to install] -
git clone --branch V1.1.0 --depth 1 https://github.com/Add3r/Proxy_Bypass.git
pip3 install -r requirements.txt ( optional to run if the base OS does not have python 3.12.0)
[Packaged for Debian] - https://github.com/Add3r/Proxy_Bypass/releases/download/v1.1.0/proxy-bypass_1.1.0_all.deb
[How to use]
usage: proxy_bypass.py [-h] [-v] [-r RATE] [-t TIME_INTERVAL] [-p PROXY_DETAILS] [-T TARGET] [-O OUTPUT] [-l] [-B BROWSER [BROWSER ...]] [-P {mobile,general,all}] [-s SPECIFIC_IDS] [-ua USERAGENT] [-uf USERAGENT_FILE] [-uq]
Examples: python3 proxy_bypass.py, python3 proxy_bypass.py -B Firefox Chrome, python3 proxy_bypass.py -P mobile
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose print verbose output
-r RATE, --rate RATE number of user agents to be processed in each batch
time interval (in seconds) for each batch to be processed
proxy server details (default:
-T TARGET, --target TARGET
target domain to test user agents (default: www.google.com)
-O OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file to write results, -O output.txt
Special Options:
-l, --list list available browser groups, proxy_bypass.py -l
select user agent browser groups
-P {mobile,general,all}, --Platform {mobile,general,all}
select user agent platform (mobile/general/all)
-s SPECIFIC_IDS, --specific-ids SPECIFIC_IDS
run specific user agents by ID (comma-separated) by using ua-id from json file. -ua 'ua-30','ua-31'
-ua USERAGENT, --useragent USERAGENT
specific user agent string for testing
file containing user agents to be tested
-uq, --uniq test user agents of unique browser groups |