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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0003042 | Kali Linux | Queued Tool Addition | public | 2016-02-06 14:39 | 2021-05-18 11:02 |
Reporter | i3visio | Assigned To | sbrun | ||
Priority | normal | Severity | feature | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Fixed in Version | 2017.3 | ||||
Summary | 0003042: Add OSRFramework v6.0 - Tools for user profiling and online research | ||||
Description | OSRFramework, the Open Sources Research Framework is a GPLv3+ project by i3visio focused on providing OSINT extensible tools to perform more accurate online investigations linked to online profiling. These tools can be used in a bunch of different use cases: pentesting, social engineering, brand reputation or online profiling amongst others. In the framework, which can be extended by means of new wrappers, we include the following tools:
At the moment, it can be downloaded directly from pip while developers can contribute to the Github Project by submitting issues or adding new wrappers. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | Verifying the installation requirementspython --version Installing from pipsudo pip install osrframework To upgrade previous installations:sudo pip install osrframework --upgrade | ||||
Additional Information | The set of tools have been presented in Navaja Negra | Conecta Con #nnc5ed (Albacete, Spain) and 8.8 2015 (Santiago, Chile) security conferences as well as in a 2-hour workshop in Cybercamp 2015 (Madrid, Spain). To install them, you can also find a 3'33'' minutes video with the installation guidelines for Kali Linux as well as some basic examples: Supported platforms:
| ||||
OSRFramework 0.14.0 has been recently released. It can be installed using pip and upgraded as stared previously. It includes which is a tool that emulates msfconsole commands to be used with osrframework apps. A tutorial of its installation and basic usage can be found in Youtube: As usual, any comments are welcome. |
ACK Name: OSRFramework Please could this be added into Kali. |
osrframework version 0.17.2-0kali1 is now in kali-rolling |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2016-02-06 14:39 | i3visio | New Issue | |
2016-10-03 15:52 | i3visio | Note Added: 0006020 | |
2017-06-22 14:16 | g0tmi1k | Assigned To | => sbrun |
2017-06-22 14:16 | g0tmi1k | Status | new => assigned |
2017-06-22 14:18 | g0tmi1k | Relationship added | has duplicate 0001654 |
2017-07-08 18:14 | rhertzog | Status | assigned => feedback |
2017-07-18 14:21 | g0tmi1k | Note Added: 0006922 | |
2017-07-18 14:22 | g0tmi1k | Summary | Add OSRFramework to Kali, as a set of tools for user profiling and online research => Add OSRFramework v6.0 - Tools for user profiling and online research |
2017-07-18 14:22 | g0tmi1k | Status | feedback => new |
2017-07-18 14:25 | g0tmi1k | Status | new => assigned |
2017-09-28 11:56 | sbrun | Status | assigned => resolved |
2017-09-28 11:56 | sbrun | Resolution | open => fixed |
2017-09-28 11:56 | sbrun | Fixed in Version | => 2017.3 |
2017-09-28 11:56 | sbrun | Note Added: 0007418 | |
2021-05-18 11:02 | g0tmi1k | Category | New Tool Requests => Queued Tool Addition |