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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0007331Kali LinuxKali Websites & Docspublic2024-05-14 16:23
Reportermarcelosz Assigned Tog0tmi1k  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Summary0007331: Mirror selection issues for users behind cloud proxy

I work for a cloud-delivered Next Gen Secure Web Gateway (cloud web proxy) company, and some of our users in Brazil are experiencing high latency when downloading ISOs for Kali's mirror. When they are steered through our web proxy platform to download the ISOs, they are being redirected to a mirror far from them (in France). When not using the web proxy, they are redirected to a closer mirror, and then the latency is ok.
We wanted to check with Kali's mirror admins to understand how the mirror selection takes place. Is it based on X-Forwarded-For (that we include in the request HTTP headers)? Or is it simply based on the Geo Location of the egress IPs of the user (in this case, our cloud web proxy)? Whatever the case, we suppose the GeoIP database being used by the mirror selector may be outdated or wrong for some reason.

Steps To Reproduce

Simply navigating through a cloud web proxy, and then without a proxy. But, depends on the egress IP that reaches Kali's CDN/mirror selector (, I guess).




2024-05-14 16:23

administrator   ~0019267

Thanks for the report @marcelosz

We have moved from MirrorBrain to MIrrorbits recently - this should be now fixed

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-09-15 10:44 marcelosz New Issue
2022-03-25 13:50 g0tmi1k Priority high => normal
2024-05-14 16:23 g0tmi1k Note Added: 0019267
2024-05-14 16:23 g0tmi1k Assigned To => g0tmi1k
2024-05-14 16:23 g0tmi1k Status new => closed
2024-05-14 16:23 g0tmi1k Resolution open => no change required