View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0008178 | Kali Linux | New Tool Requests | public | 2023-02-13 20:12 | 2023-05-05 13:59 |
Reporter | saintdrug | Assigned To | |||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | N/A |
Status | closed | Resolution | suspended | ||
Product Version | 2022.4 | ||||
Summary | 0008178: S3cr3tDetect0rz is a Red Team tool that helps uncover sensitive information in websites using ACTIVE not PASSIVE Techniques for | ||||
Description | [Name] - S3cr3tDetect0rz [Version] - 1.0 [Homepage] - [Download] - [Author] - Chris "SaintDruG" Abou-Chabke [Licence] - GPL-3.0 license [Description] - S3cr3tDetect0rz is a very powerful and versatile tool designed for Red Team Professionals and Ethical Hackers. It utilizes a custom wordlist that you provide, a powerful regex pattern matching engine that is written for you based on a lot of research which is included as secrethub.json file to accurately identify secrets hidden within a website's pages. With its user-friendly interface and flexible options, S3cr3tDetect0rz makes it easy for users to customize and automate their secret detection process. The secrethub.json file, known for its strong and accurate regex patterns, further elevates the tool's accuracy in detecting sensitive information. [Dependencies] - To use S3cr3tDetect0rz, you need to have the following tools installed: figlet & lolcat: pip install lolcat & apt-get install figlet (Pipe Viewer) utility to display a progress bar in the terminal. You can install "pv" by running: sudo apt-get install pv Gobuster: Gobuster is a tool used to brute force subdomains and directories. It is the core component of S3cr3tDetect0rz and is required for the tool to function. You can install Gobuster on Kali Linux by running the following command: sudo apt-get install gobuster [Similar tools] - Unique, not like Trufflehog or GitLeaks, this is on active websites and not passive with complex coding and complex regex patterns custom made [Activity] - Today we have nearly 1000 followers on github i will release more tools here, i have over 10 and creating more [How to install] - I made a debian so its dpkg -i S3cr3tDetect0rz.deb or the bash script [How to use] - To use S3cr3tDetect0rz, you need to have the following tools installed: figlet & lolcat: pip install lolcat & apt-get install figlet (Pipe Viewer) utility to display a progress bar in the terminal. You can install "pv" by running: sudo apt-get install pv Gobuster: Gobuster is a tool used to brute force subdomains and directories. It is the core component of S3cr3tDetect0rz and is required for the tool to function. You can install Gobuster on Kali Linux by running the following command: sudo apt-get install gobuster Wordlists: S3cr3tDetect0rz uses wordlists to brute force subdomains and directories. There are several good wordlists available online, such as the SecLists project ( and the FuzzDB project ( SecretHub.json: SecretHub.json is a custom regex pattern matching engine that is included in the S3cr3tDetect0rz GitHub repository Installation git clone cd S3cr3tDetect0rz chmod +x ./ The script will prompt you to provide the target URL(s) to test for open redirect vulnerabilities. [Packaged] - Is the tool already packaged for Debian? Yes | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | To use S3cr3tDetect0rz, you need to have the following tools installed: figlet & lolcat: pip install lolcat & apt-get install figlet (Pipe Viewer) utility to display a progress bar in the terminal. You can install "pv" by running: sudo apt-get install pv Gobuster: Gobuster is a tool used to brute force subdomains and directories. It is the core component of S3cr3tDetect0rz and is required for the tool to function. You can install Gobuster on Kali Linux by running the following command: sudo apt-get install gobuster Wordlists: S3cr3tDetect0rz uses wordlists to brute force subdomains and directories. There are several good wordlists available online, such as the SecLists project ( and the FuzzDB project ( SecretHub.json: SecretHub.json is a custom regex pattern matching engine that is included in the S3cr3tDetect0rz GitHub repository Installation git clone cd S3cr3tDetect0rz chmod +x ./ The script will prompt you to provide the target URL(s) to test for open redirect vulnerabilities. | ||||
Additional Information | Features: Input: The first step is to take input from the user for the URL and wordlist. This is done using the read command, which prompts the user to enter the URL and the path to the wordlist. | ||||
Attached Files | (4,093 bytes)
#!/bin/bash curl --silent "" | lolcat echo "" # Generate a random Sun Tzu quote for offensive security # Array of Sun Tzu quotes quotes=("The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." "All warfare is based on deception." "He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious." "The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent." "To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.") # Get a random quote from the array random_quote=${quotes[$RANDOM % ${#quotes[@]}]} # Print the quote echo "Offensive Security Tip: $random_quote - Sun Tzu" | lolcat sleep 1 echo "MEANS, IT'S ☕ 1337 ⚡ TIME, 369 ☯ " | lolcat sleep 1 figlet -w 80 -f small S3cr3tDetect0rz | lolcat echo "" echo "[YOUR ARE USING] - (v1.0) CODED BY Chris 'SaintDruG' Abou-Chabké WITH ❤ FOR for Educational Purposes only!" | lolcat sleep 1 #check if the user is connected to the internet tput bold;echo "CHECKING IF YOU ARE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET!" | lolcat # Check connection wget -q --spider if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "++++ CONNECT TO THE INTERNET BEFORE RUNNING!" | lolcat exit 1 fi tput bold;echo "++++ CONNECTION FOUND, LET'S GO!" | lolcat # Take input for URL and path to wordlist read -p "Enter the URL: " url read -p "Enter path to wordlist: " wordlist # Check if wordlist exists echo "Checking and Confirming your wordlist exist and proceeding with the attacks..." | lolcat sleep 1 if [ ! -f $wordlist ]; then echo "Error: wordlist file $wordlist does not exist." | lolcat exit 1 fi # Create a directory to store the results of curl using the domain name of the URL provided by the user echo "Creating a directory to save all results..." | lolcat sleep 1 domain=`echo $url | awk -F/ '{print $3}'` mkdir -p $domain # Start gobuster with given URL and wordlist echo "Starting GoBuster with ACTIVE Scan against the target searching for specific extensions, filtering with 200 & 301 status codes..." | lolcat sleep 1 gobuster dir -u $url -w $wordlist -x .js,.php,.yml,.env,.txt,.xml,.html,.config -e -s 200,204,301,302,307,401,403 --wildcard -o $domain/gobuster.txt # Extract the discovered URLs for further testing grep "Status: 200" $domain/gobuster.txt | grep -oE "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_-]*" | sort -u > $domain/discovered_urls.txt grep "Status: 301" $domain/gobuster.txt | grep -oE "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_-]*" | sort -u >> $domain/discovered_urls.txt # Set the starting count to 0 count=0 # Loop through each URL and run curl echo "Performing curl on every URL I found to fetch the content..." | lolcat sleep 1 while read discovered_url; do curl -s $discovered_url > "$domain/discovered_urls_for_$(echo $discovered_url | awk -F/ '{print $3}').txt" done < "$domain/discovered_urls.txt" # Search for secrets in the output of curl and save the result in secrets.csv echo "I am now searching for secrets using secrethub.json and saving the results in secrets.csv for you..." | lolcat sleep 1 if [ ! -f "$domain/discovered_urls_for_$domain.txt" ]; then echo "No discovered_urls_for_$domain file found." exit 1 fi while read discovered_url; do discovered_url_file="$domain/discovered_urls_for_$(echo $discovered_url | awk -F/ '{print $3}').txt" if [ ! -f "$discovered_url_file" ]; then echo "File $discovered_url_file does not exist." continue fi echo "URL Affected: $discovered_url" >> "$domain/secrets.csv" secrets_found=$(grep -E $(cat secrethub.json | jq -r '.patterns | join("|")') "$discovered_url_file") unique_secrets=$(echo "$secrets_found" | awk '!seen[$0]++ { print $0 }') count=$(echo "$unique_secrets" | wc -l) echo "$unique_secrets" >> "$domain/secrets.csv" echo "Total secrets found: $count" >> "$domain/secrets.csv" done < "$domain/discovered_urls.txt" echo "Total secrets found: $count" | lolcat | ||||
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2023-02-13 20:12 | saintdrug | New Issue | |
2023-02-13 20:12 | saintdrug | File Added: S3cr3tDetect0rz.deb | |
2023-02-13 20:12 | saintdrug | File Added: | |
2023-02-13 20:12 | saintdrug | File Added: secrethub.json | |
2023-05-05 13:58 | g0tmi1k | Note Added: 0017881 | |
2023-05-05 13:59 | g0tmi1k | Status | new => closed |
2023-05-05 13:59 | g0tmi1k | Resolution | open => suspended |