View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008466Kali LinuxKali Package Bugpublic2023-09-19 04:12
Reporternaitikxo Assigned Todaniruiz  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Product Version2023.3 
Summary0008466: Broken Packages

Two of the Kali Packages wont update after using the "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" command, the names of those tools are winexe and crackmapexec.

Steps To Reproduce

A fresh install of kali 2023.3, Desktop enviroment Gnome, partition using the guided installer and a seperate partition for the /home directory.
after a fresh install just running the commands "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade" will reproduce the bug.

Additional Information

simply uninstalling winexe and crackmapexec solves the bug.




2023-09-17 16:41

manager   ~0018487

This happens because they need new dependencies. Please run it with sudo apt full-upgrade



2023-09-18 06:48

manager   ~0018492

Hello, check this page about how to update kali
Running apt upgrade will only update the system until the point it needs to remove any old dependency, so it won't do a complete update. You need to use full-upgrade, which is what we recommend in our documentation

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-09-17 13:57 naitikxo New Issue
2023-09-17 16:41 steev Note Added: 0018487
2023-09-18 06:48 daniruiz Note Added: 0018492
2023-09-18 06:48 daniruiz Assigned To => daniruiz
2023-09-18 06:48 daniruiz Status new => closed
2023-09-18 06:48 daniruiz Resolution open => no change required