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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0008702Kali LinuxNew Tool Requestspublic2024-05-14 16:43
Reportervanguard Assigned Tog0tmi1k  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionwon't fix 
Summary0008702: Nethunter-rootless can not be installed - no more space left

Hi folks,

I need some help, getting nethunter-rootless installed.

I am using a Samsung Galaxy A6, running Lineage 19, which is Android 12.

As I have already several apps installed and memory was getting low (only 3GB left) , I bought a sd-card with 128GB and put it in. The memory card is formatted
as "enhanced memory" (not as external memory) and memory-manger now says, I have about 125GB free.

Thus i wanted to install "nethunter-full", which is 2GB. During extraction the extrction fails with the message "write error, no space left on device" , but got still about 125GB free.

What am I doing wrong?

I also have to tell, that the app "Termux" from the Nethunter store can not be installed when a sd-card is running as extended memory, as its internal paths are hardcoded.
Termux has to be instralled, when the sd-card is not put in (or runjning as external memory. Maybe you might want to add this info on your website (but this is not the point here).

Do you have any idea, what i can do, so that nethunter gets enough memory? If I did something wrong, please let me know, how I can fix this (for example chanbge some configs, params or whatever).

I suppose, this did not happen before, as most people got new tablets and mobiles, whcih already have 64GB or more. As my tablet is older, it only got 16GB and the solution with the
sd-card looked fine for me.

Thank you for any hints.

Best regards





2024-05-14 16:43

administrator   ~0019285

This is something for the forums, not bug tracker

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-04-03 17:01 vanguard New Issue
2024-05-14 16:43 g0tmi1k Note Added: 0019285
2024-05-14 16:43 g0tmi1k Assigned To => g0tmi1k
2024-05-14 16:43 g0tmi1k Status new => closed
2024-05-14 16:43 g0tmi1k Resolution open => won't fix