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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0009025Kali LinuxKali Package Bugpublic2024-12-11 09:06
ReporterJess Up Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0009025: Problem after update with Plasma KDE

I'm encountering this error after updating.

Package failed to install:

Error while installing package: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-dark/colors', which is also in package plasma-framework 5.115.0-6+kali1




2024-12-05 04:46

manager   ~0020118

Thanks for the report, and sorry for the inconvenience. We're trying to fix it asap.



2024-12-05 08:32

reporter   ~0020119

I got the same issue also.



2024-12-05 09:44

reporter   ~0020120

I also have the same problem, but in addition to this, there were colossal changes and malfunctions in the graphical interface, the settings application is not displayed properly, plus half of the functions are not displayed in it, and problems with the theme in this application, since it is white, but parts of the interface are dark, problems with the volume change interface, hot keys do not work and there is no such widget, problems with the lock screen on first startup, if the computer goes into sleep mode, then the usual lock screen is launched. There was also a problem with themes, default themes disappeared and custom ones are not displayed. I tried to fix the problem with broken packages myself, since I did not know about the existence of this site before, and thought that it should appear on the Kali forum. I overwrote the conflicting file, cleared the cache, and restarted the computer. After restarting, I also saw an unusual lock screen, but I was not upset, since I thought that at least I fixed the package manager, I enter the password but the enter key does not work))). Therefore, I had to go to the console in this mode, and there they try to restore work. Only a complete reinstallation and deletion of all previous files related to KDE helped. This returned my system to the same state as before but without conflict, but with the ability to press the enter key after entering the password and see my anime wallpaper on the desktop)). SO DO NOT TRY TO REWRITE THE FILE THAT CONFLICTS FORCE YOURSELF !!! My friend also updated and encountered this problem, he was helped by me, i reinstalling all packages related to kde, but the problems with the interface described above remained, but the conflict was resolved. We will wait for the update to use our favorite system again). If problems arise on our side only, we apologize for our noobness. Also, while I was taking the screenshot, it turned out that spectacle is not called using the key print screen.



2024-12-05 09:46

reporter   ~0020121

Last edited: 2024-12-05 09:48

have some trouble with attach photo of settings app



2024-12-05 09:57

reporter   ~0020122

I put this packages on hold and I'm gonna wait until this issue be fix :)



2024-12-05 12:38

manager   ~0020123

Hello. We are so sorry about this inconvenience, but currently Kali is transitioning to KDE plasma 6, which is causing issues with multiple dependencies.
Right now we have updated some packages to try to fix this.
If you are having issues, we suggest running the following commands:

  1. Make sure you don't have any packages on hold:
    apt-mark showhold
  2. Try running a full update of the system:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
  3. During the update check the feedback and post here any issues you might have.
  4. Try running sudo apt --fix-broken install if requested.


2024-12-05 13:12

reporter   ~0020124

for me is working fine :)
Thank you



2024-12-05 13:15

reporter   ~0020125

for me too, but I hope that they will return the previous icons in the next updates)
thank you



2024-12-05 13:50

reporter   ~0020126

Last edited: 2024-12-05 13:52

ATM I have multiple broken packages because of plasma-desktoptheme refusing to install (file conflicts with Kali's plasma-framework package):

bluedevil kaccounts-providers milou plasma-nm plasma-pa

These conflicting packages are the ones causing OPs error.



2024-12-05 14:06

reporter   ~0020127

maybe try reinstall your kde or force rewrite file, and then update, but i am not sure that is a good idea, because I don't have kali theme in global themes right now(



2024-12-05 14:14

reporter   ~0020128

What about marking the appropiate package as a replacement or upgrade to the older plasma-framework? Or provide a newer plasma-framework package, even an empty metapackage if needed, until everything else is solved. But no idea about the inner diferences in organization between Plasma versions.

Jess Up

Jess Up

2024-12-05 14:24

reporter   ~0020129

It is working for me now. Thank you!



2024-12-05 18:50

reporter   ~0020131

Mostly working now, only a few minor annoyances left. Seems that the wayland bits are lagging behind. No plasma-workspace-wayland yet (it is available on Debian repos), kwayland5-data still a dependency even with kwayland6-data already installed. Also in Debian Trixie they still have older plasma-discover and no kwin-bismuth (this available on Sid only)



2024-12-06 13:03

reporter   ~0020136

Last edited: 2024-12-06 13:05

Same story.
latest updates broke mine 3 kali installation on machines.
The main is that mirror.amasuka or some other korean is not availiable for Russian for example ips (i can bet not only for Ru) so it goes to Ign. package

Then '/usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/breeze-dark/colors
and try to apt "fix-broken install"

After than Kali become eyebleeding. Or now even lost KDE x11 or Wayland in login menu .

Can you tell plz when and will it be fixed? or better switch to pure debian , cause loosing 3 days to get same result is a bit annoying. Also nothing is helping (even chatgpt advices to reinstall KDE-framework or kde-plasma-desktop



2024-12-06 13:23

reporter   ~0020137

you have xfce instead of kde now and kde has been gone?



2024-12-06 13:47

reporter   ~0020138

Yep. After fresh clean install - i meet same IGN of packages (same mirror.amasuka on 97% of update (if use VPN, there is troubles with another servers))).
Then again try apt fix-broken install

Then again a lot of try's apt update , apt full-upgrade -y , apt fix-broken , apt autoremove , autoclean
And .. KDE gone. @_@



2024-12-06 14:42

reporter   ~0020140

you can install kde-full via apt, it worked for me, but i do not know about how workable this method now, with last fixes i have working g interface, with some bugs but it is not critical for me



2024-12-06 14:46

reporter   ~0020141

but to tell the truth ))) I had to sweat a little with themes, with the appearance of applications and so on, but now, for example, I no longer see problems on Horizon with the black theme, so I think it will become even more convenient to work when kali full migrate to Plasma 6



2024-12-09 11:13

reporter   ~0020148

trying to install kde-full

failed to fetch ** all packages .
Dear devs, plz help. I was though kali is out of politics or some restrictions. Maybe there is a way to add some fallback server??



2024-12-10 19:22

reporter   ~0020153

ok after changing mirrors and network packages to Cloudflare - i still have a troubles with KDE plasma desktop .
after update and full upgrade it broke a theme , now there is no kali icon on start button , the main panel is floating a bit upper than down of display (there is a space..) , zsh is looking ugly as..
This is 6 time i reinstall Kali in 2 days.



2024-12-10 21:04

reporter   ~0020154

you can try to customize it, I was able to completely customize it to the previous look, I just couldn't get my previous icons back



2024-12-11 09:06

reporter   ~0020157

I just couldn't get my previous icons back (C)

same, it work ok now. yep it just a design - thanks god there is no conflicts of packages now (1 minute update -- nope now some icons are missed and associations is gone for dolphin and etc)


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-04 18:29 Jess Up New Issue
2024-12-05 04:46 arnaudr Note Added: 0020118
2024-12-05 08:32 baraka983 Note Added: 0020119
2024-12-05 09:44 sidjik Note Added: 0020120
2024-12-05 09:46 sidjik Note Added: 0020121
2024-12-05 09:48 sidjik Note Edited: 0020121
2024-12-05 09:57 baraka983 Note Added: 0020122
2024-12-05 12:38 daniruiz Note Added: 0020123
2024-12-05 13:12 baraka983 Note Added: 0020124
2024-12-05 13:15 sidjik Note Added: 0020125
2024-12-05 13:50 pkreuzt Note Added: 0020126
2024-12-05 13:52 pkreuzt Note Edited: 0020126
2024-12-05 14:06 sidjik Note Added: 0020127
2024-12-05 14:14 pkreuzt Note Added: 0020128
2024-12-05 14:24 Jess Up Note Added: 0020129
2024-12-05 18:50 pkreuzt Note Added: 0020131
2024-12-06 13:03 hastalamuerte Note Added: 0020136
2024-12-06 13:05 hastalamuerte Note Edited: 0020136
2024-12-06 13:23 sidjik Note Added: 0020137
2024-12-06 13:47 hastalamuerte Note Added: 0020138
2024-12-06 14:42 sidjik Note Added: 0020140
2024-12-06 14:46 sidjik Note Added: 0020141
2024-12-09 11:13 hastalamuerte Note Added: 0020148
2024-12-10 19:22 hastalamuerte Note Added: 0020153
2024-12-10 21:04 sidjik Note Added: 0020154
2024-12-11 09:06 hastalamuerte Note Added: 0020157