Kali Linux - Change Log
Not Yet Released
- 0008884: [Kali Package Bug] DVWA Start | Stop Service failure (sbrun)
- 0008866: [Kali Package Improvement] NetExec Switch to Tags/Main Branch (daniruiz)
- 0008787: [Kali Package Bug] bettercap webui no longer works, the webpage only displays the words "Time" and "Type". (sbrun)
- 0008915: [Tool Upgrade Request] Upgrade feroxbuster to 2.11.0 (daniruiz)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2024-06-05
More information can be found here: https://www.kali.org/blog/kali-linux-2024-3-release/
- 0008833: [General Bug] New realtek-rtl88xxau-dkms incompatible with RTL8812au (sbrun)
- 0008896: [Tool Upgrade Request] Greenbone - Openvas - GVM missing gvm-libs after doing sudo apt full-upgrade (sbrun)
- 0008877: [Kali Package Bug] python3-asyncore: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/asyncore/init.py', which is also in package python3-py (sbrun)
- 0008805: [Queued Tool Addition] goshs - a simple HTTP Webserver with advanced capability like basic auth, webdav and TLS encryption (sbrun)
- 0008052: [Queued Tool Addition] mxcheck - An email server scanner (daniruiz)
- 0004863: [Queued Tool Addition] sippts - Suite of tools for penetration test over SIP protocol (daniruiz)
- 0007937: [Queued Tool Addition] HEKATOMB - helps with post-exploitation on Active-Directory environment. (daniruiz)
- 0006832: [Queued Tool Addition] gsocket - Global Socket. Moving data from here to there. Securely, Fast and trough NAT/Firewalls (daniruiz)
- 0005340: [Queued Tool Addition] Graudit - grep rough audit - source code auditing tool (daniruiz)
- 0008819: [Kali Package Bug] defectdojo ERROR NEED HELP (daniruiz)
- 0008807: [Tool Upgrade Request] FinalRecon has been updated to v1.1.7 (sbrun)
- 0008800: [Tool Upgrade Request] Greenbone - Openvas - GVM - Report outdated / end-of-life Scan Engine (sbrun)
- 0008784: [Kali Package Bug] plaso and related tools fail to run with error: Missing required artifact definition: MacOSLocalTime (sbrun)
- 0008680: [Tool Upgrade Request] python3-pypykatz Upgrade Request (sbrun)
- 0008660: [Kali Package Improvement] new weevely release (sbrun)
- 0008546: [Queued Tool Addition] sprayhound - Password spraying tool and Bloodhound integration (daniruiz)
16 issues View Issues
Released 1970-01-01
kali-dev is an always evolving distribution based on Debian Testing. It will regularly break.
More information can be found here: https://www.kali.org/docs/general-use/kali-branches/
- 0008930: [Kali Package Bug] firmware-sof-signed: Broken upgrade path (arnaudr)
- 0008667: [Tool Upgrade Request] python3-sqlalchemy (sqlalchemy) Version Discrepency (sbrun)
- 0000302: [Queued Tool Addition] Add the pass the hash toolkit (rhertzog)
- 0008439: [Tool Upgrade Request] Impacket 0.11.0 - update impacket-scripts (arnaudr)
- 0008101: [Kali Package Bug] Packages uninstalled by Kali Tweaks (arnaudr)
- 0007952: [Kali Package Improvement] Improper patching of restricted ports (sbrun)
- 0008105: [Kali Package Bug] kali-tweaks 2023.1.0 does not unset unprivileged ports (arnaudr)
- 0003018: [Kali Package Bug] Kali 2.0 x64 upgrade to Kali-Rolling fail (sbrun)
- 0007490: [General Bug] pulseaudio not working (arnaudr)
- 0002160: [Kali Package Bug] SQLmap Errors out on kali-rolling (sbrun)
- 0007464: [Kali Package Bug] jsql-injection package has no helper-script (sbrun)
- 0001177: [Queued Tool Addition] ghost-phisher (g0tmi1k)
- 0002535: [Queued Tool Addition] fish shell (g0tmi1k)
- 0002280: [Queued Tool Addition] Package GNOME Shell extension "Refresh wifi connections" (sbrun)
- 0002283: [Queued Tool Addition] Please package conky-manager 2.0 (sbrun)
- 0002330: [Queued Tool Addition] Please package workspaces-to-dock (GNOME Shell Extension) (sbrun)
- 0000052: [Queued Tool Addition] Please add Automater as a package (WiK)
- 0000087: [Queued Tool Addition] oclGaussCrack (dookie)
- 0000110: [Queued Tool Addition] Include bully (muts)
- 0000120: [Queued Tool Addition] jSQL Injection (dookie)
- 0000121: [Queued Tool Addition] Arachni (muts)
- 0000140: [Queued Tool Addition] Inguma (muts)
- 0000150: [Queued Tool Addition] Ghost-Phisher (dookie)
- 0000151: [Queued Tool Addition] lbd.sh (load balancing detector) (dookie)
- 0000154: [Queued Tool Addition] Tool Request - Uniscan (dookie)
- 0000201: [Queued Tool Addition] frasm
- 0000238: [Queued Tool Addition] Please add network infrastructure parser (nipper) to repositories (dookie)
- 0000251: [Queued Tool Addition] Add firmware-mod-kit (dookie)
- 0000258: [Queued Tool Addition] Include lvm2 and cryptsetup by default (rhertzog)
- 0000293: [Queued Tool Addition] NfSpy - ID-spoofing NFS client (dookie)
- 0000388: [Queued Tool Addition] Unicornscan - 0.4.7-2 (dookie)
- 0000483: [Queued Tool Addition] WATOBO 0.9.13 (dookie)
- 0000620: [Queued Tool Addition] signing-party package (g0tmi1k)
- 0000663: [Queued Tool Addition] FreeRDP Pash the Hash (Restricted Mode Admin) (muts)
- 0000760: [Queued Tool Addition] wgetpaste (g0tmi1k)
- 0001184: [Queued Tool Addition] Cuckoo Sandbox v1.1 (muts)
- 0001575: [Queued Tool Addition] MITMf - Framework for Man-In-The-Middle Attacks (rhertzog)
- 0001932: [Queued Tool Addition] Add wig v0.6 - WebApp Information Gatherer (sbrun)
- 0001750: [Queued Tool Addition] faraday (rhertzog)
- 0002137: [Queued Tool Addition] Request to add King Phisher tool to Kali
- 0002203: [Queued Tool Addition] Package Pixe Dust tool (sbrun)
- 0002248: [Queued Tool Addition] Package smbmap (sbrun)
- 0002278: [Queued Tool Addition] Package GNOME Shell extension "Dash to dock" (sbrun)
- 0002279: [Queued Tool Addition] Package GNOME Shell extension "Proxy Switcher" (sbrun)
- 0002281: [Queued Tool Addition] Package GNOME Shell extension "Easy Screencast" (sbrun)
- 0002313: [Queued Tool Addition] nmap Upgrade (v6.49 beta2) (sbrun)
- 0003219: [Queued Tool Addition] NetPIPE - Network Protocol Independent Performance Evaluator
- 0003382: [Queued Tool Addition] nbtscan (unixwiz forked version) (sbrun)
- 0003471: [Queued Tool Addition] OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) weekly releases in Kali repos
- 0003820: [Queued Tool Addition] pyrit 0.5.1 in kali rolling broken
- 0004092: [Queued Tool Addition] Please package redsnarf (sbrun)
- 0005371: [Queued Tool Addition] bettercap's web UI (sbrun)
- 0005526: [Queued Tool Addition] termshark - a terminal UI for tshark (sbrun)
- 0005589: [Queued Tool Addition] burpsuite 2.1.01 available (sbrun)
- 0006576: [Queued Tool Addition] Add new tool faraday-client (sbrun)
- 0005397: [Queued Tool Addition] TLP: Advanced Power Management for Linux (sbrun)
- 0005645: [Queued Tool Addition] AFL++ american fuzzy lop plus plus (sbrun)
- 0005678: [Queued Tool Addition] jadx - Dex to Java decompiler (sbrun)
- 0005717: [Queued Tool Addition] Adding DDD to Kali Linux (sbrun)
- 0005030: [Queued Tool Addition] hcxtools and hcxdumptool (sbrun)
- 0003189: [Queued Tool Addition] ODAT (Oracle Database Attacking Tool) (sbrun)
- 0004601: [Queued Tool Addition] Spray - A Password Spraying tool for Active Directory Credentials (sbrun)
- 0001067: [Queued Tool Addition] Drozer (sbrun)
- 0002545: [Queued Tool Addition] PowerShell Empire (sbrun)
- 0002168: [Queued Tool Addition] JADX - Java Sourcecode from Android Dex and APK (sbrun)
- 0002397: [Queued Tool Addition] IVRE - Network recon tool (sbrun)
- 0006142: [Queued Tool Addition] Koadic - C3 COM Command & Control - JScript RAT (sbrun)
- 0004599: [Queued Tool Addition] Powercat - netshell features all in version 2 powershell (sbrun)
- 0002366: [Tool Upgrade Request] Update gnome-shell extensions in kali-dev (sbrun)
- 0004258: [Tool Upgrade Request] Please update DBeaver to 4.2.1 (dookie)
- 0004169: [Tool Upgrade Request] Update dnsrecon to 0.8.10 (dookie)
- 0003145: [Kali Package Bug] Test build iso and installation are ok when Firefox will replace iceweasel (sbrun)
- 0002967: [Kali Package Bug] commix 0.3b-0kali1 - ascii banner (sbrun)
- 0002815: [Feature Requests] Update gnome-shell's favorite application list to include the terminal and the browser (sbrun)
- 0002804: [General Bug] Postgresql wont start on an installed system due to missing self signed certs
- 0002478: [Tool Upgrade Request] Please package set 6.5.4 (or newer) (sbrun)
- 0002481: [Tool Upgrade Request] Please update python-faraday to version 1.0.13 (sbrun)
- 0002482: [Tool Upgrade Request] Please update sslscan to version 1.10.6-rbsec (sbrun)
- 0002504: [General Bug] FS Read-Only on oDroid and Raspi2 with kali 2.0 (steev)
- 0002517: [Kali Package Improvement] Add WPScan to Kali 2.0 Applications menu (muts)
- 0002405: [Tool Upgrade Request] Please update zaproxy (sbrun)
- 0002378: [Tool Upgrade Request] Please update proxystrike to version 2.2 in sana/kali-dev (sbrun)
- 0002286: [Feature Requests] Switch to linux 4.0.x in kali-rolling (sbrun)
- 0002300: [General Bug] Fix gdm/gnome-shell asking for username twice (sbrun)
- 0002293: [General Bug] Package gnome-theme-kali (sbrun)
- 0002178: [Kali Package Bug] webshag-gui is broken in kali-rolling (sbrun)
- 0002180: [Kali Package Improvement] Changes to be made to the kali-meta Package (sbrun)
- 0002159: [General Bug] Metasploit fails to start on an installed system of kali-rolling
- 0002158: [General Bug] Postgresql wont start on an installed system due to missing self signed certs
- 0002161: [General Bug] The installer shortcut under System Tools has the wrong text
- 0002150: [Feature Requests] Update gnome-shell's favorite application list to include the terminal and the browser (sbrun)
- 0002130: [Kali Package Bug] GNOME screensaver screen shows a Debian picture instead of a Kali one (sbrun)
- 0002141: [General Bug] Update adwaita/metacity-theme-3.xml in kali-defaults (sbrun)
- 0000417: [Queued Tool Addition] kali-kernel-image and crypt modul (rhertzog)
94 issues View Issues